Health care / Clinical Informatics
Health Care / Clinical Informatics Application Track
teaches students how to apply biomedical informatics principles and methods to inform and direct healthcare delivery and to address the information needs of healthcare consumers. The goal of health care/clinical informatics is to measurably improve the safety and quality of care delivery and to support the effective implementation of evidence-based practices. Students must demonstrate competency in
the foundational technologies and the architectures of electronic health records (EHRs) and related systems,
the design (using sociotechnical methods), development, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative technologies that can influence patient care delivery
the use of technology to provide informational support to both clinicians and healthcare consumers, and
evaluation and enhancement of new and existing systems through instrumentation of the care process so that process and outcome data are effectively collected and analyzed
This track dovetails with the UofU Nursing Informatics (NI) program in the College of Nursing, with many courses co-taught by faculty from both programs.
BMI 6111 - Research Design I
BMI 6112 - Grant Writing
BMI 6120 - Standards in Biomedical Informatics
BMI 6010 - Foundations of Healthcare Informatics
BMI 6030 - Foundations of Bioinformatics
BMI 6018 - Introduction to Programming
BMI 6102 - Human Systems Interaction
BMI 6120 - Introduction to Population and Public Health
BMI 6106 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biomedical Informatics
BMI 6804 - Systems Analysis and Implementation
PHIL 7570 - Research Ethics
NURS 6661 - Project Management in Health Informatics
NURS 6772 - Quality Improvement in Healthcare
NURS 6807 - Systems Analysis and Implementation
Sign up for at least one practicum to gain hands-on experience and work with a team on a project. Students have the opportunity to apply to work for a semester with the ReImagineEHR team on an existing project. Must be coordinated with the team/expertise director before registering:
ReImagineEHR--Ken Kawamoto