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Translational Bioinformatics Track

Translational Bioinformatics Application Track

The program teaches students how to apply bioinformatics and genetics analyses to solve translational problems arising from biological data. Students are introduced to bioinformatics and statistical genetics and gain hands-on experience with tools and data. Students must demonstrate competency in

  • understanding basic genetics and nature of different types of genetic and phenotypic data,

  • design and implementation of algorithms to solve problems in genomic analysis, precision medicine, and translational research, 

  • integration of computational genomics findings and statistical genetics analyses with medicine (translation) via clinical decision support, database design, and human factors.

Trainees specialize in large-scale genomic analysis, precision medicine, or translational research.



BMI 6111 - Research Design I

BMI 6112 - Grant Writing

BMI 6120 - Standards in Biomedical Informatics

BMI 6010 - Foundations of Healthcare Informatics

BMI 6021 - RNA-Sequencing in Computational Analysis

BMI 6030 - Foundations of Bioinformatics

BMI 6018 - Introduction to Programming

BMI 6120 - Introduction to Population and Public Health

BMI 6106 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biomedical Informatics

BMI 6060 - Applied Computational Genomics

PHIL 7570 - Research Ethics



HGEN 6421 - Genetics & Complex Disease

BME 6770 - Geonomic Signal Processing

MDCRC 6010 - Introduction to Epidemiology

MBIOL 6500 - Genetics and Genomes



Affiliated Faculty

DBMI: Samir Abdelrahman; Kendell Clement; Karen Eilbeck; Julio Facelli; Aaron Quinlan Human Genetics; Ramkiran Gouripeddi; Edgar Hernandez; Melissa Ilardo; Yves Lussier; Yi Qiao;

Non-DBMI: Laura Heermann-Langford, Intermountain, NI; Rachel Hess, Population Health Sciences.

PhD Application Deadlines

December 1st - Initial 

Online Application

Applications now open

December 31st - Final

Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah