Public Health Informatics
Public Health Informatics Application Track
teaches students to apply informatics-based strategies to address population and public health problems and goals. Population health is a broad domain involving a variety of data sources (e.g., clinical, environmental, social media), stakeholders (e.g., individuals, communities, public health agencies, clinical settings), and strategies (e.g., surveillance, decision support, standards-based case reporting, consumer health, nutritional interventions). Students must demonstrate competency in
analyzing a population health problem, particularly focusing on prevention, exposure assessment, risk reduction, or disease control
using industry-standard strategies for communicating processes and system design
developing expertise in at least one informatics-related methodology (e.g., novel surveillance using NLP applied to social media, implementation of applied technology for behavioral health coordination of care)
BMI 6111 - Research Design I
BMI 6112 - Grant Writing
BMI 6120 - Standards in Biomedical Informatics
BMI 6010 - Foundations of Healthcare Informatics
BMI 6030 - Foundations of Bioinformatics
BMI 6018 - Introduction to Programming
BMI 6120 - Introduction to Population and Public Health
BMI 6106 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biomedical Informatics
PHIL 7570 - Research Ethics
MDCRC 6010 - Intro to Epidemiology
BMI 6300 - Clinical Decision Support
BMI 6102 - Human System Interactions
BMI 6016 - Biomedical Data Wrangling
PHS 7020 - Methods and Mechanics of Secondary Data Analysis
PHS 7030 - Applied Modern Causal Inference
PHS 7100 - Epidemiologic Theory and Methods
PBHLT 6700 - Environmental & Biological Science in Public Health
MDCRC 6110 - Intermediate Epidemiology