Eligibility & Submission
Student Paper Competition
Students are invited to submit peer-reviewed, accepted papers expressing original ideas and reasonably complete research or development efforts in the areas of health informatics or telemedicine, broadly defined as the application of computer, communication, or information technology to healthcare.
University of Utah research trainees: MD, PhD, Masters (thesis), and PharmD students are eligible.
The student’s academic advisor needs to certify that the work described in the paper is substantially the work of the student while in training at the U.
Papers previously submitted to this or other competitions are ineligible.
Papers must have been submitted and accepted to a peer-reviewed journal or conference.
Papers must have been accepted on or after January 1.
Topic Areas: Biomedical or Nursing Informatics; Telemedicine; any paper in computer, communications, or information technology broadly applied to healthcare.
The manuscripts are evaluated blind; i.e., without the author’s name and affiliation. The papers will be evaluated with the following criteria:
Originality and innovation
Clarity of presentation
Contribution to biomedical informatics
Well-presented research question
Quality of methods and results
Analysis of prior relevant work
The decision of the judges will be final.
Award: The winner will receive a prize of $2,000.
Submission Procedures
Submit two pdfs, one for the paper and one for the biographical information described below. Email both pdfs to Barb Saffel.
Paper Format
All manuscripts should be in English, typed, double-spaced, single-sided, with 1” margins (right, left, top and bottom).
The typeface should be Times (or similar equivalent like Arial) with a point size of 12.
The pages of the manuscript should be numbered consecutively.
At the top of the first page, center the title using a bold typeface with a point size of 14. Do not include the author’s name or affiliation, since the manuscripts will be reviewed blindly.
The title line should be followed by an abstract of not more than 350 words and a list of five or fewer key words or short key phrases.
The remainder of the manuscript should include elements common to good scientific publications: Introduction, Methods and Procedures, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, and References.
Biographical Information Format
Cover Page - a separate Cover Page should include:
Title of paper, with author and author’s affiliation
Name, full mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the author
Name and location of the academic department, school or college
Name, full mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the academic advisor who supervised the submitted work
Signatures of both the student and the student’s academic advisor certifying that the work described in the paper is substantially the student’s work.
Date of Signatures
Biographical Sketch - 1 page biographical sketch of the student is required and should include:
Previous training, schools attended, degrees attained, work experience, and professional aspirations
If you have questions, and to direct manuscripts and all correspondence, contact
Barb Saffel
Department of Biomedical Informatics
421 Wakara Way, Suite 140
Salt Lake City, UT 84108