Utah PA Program Master's Degree Poster Session was held on August 22nd at the Taylor Building in St. George Campus, followed by another event on August 24th at the HSEB...
Public Health students, faculty, and staff gathered at Sugarhouse Park on August 18 for an orientation barbeque ahead of the semester. Attendees were able to learn more about the program...
The Children’s Center of Utah was created in 1962 to provide treatment for trauma experienced by Utah children and their families, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The Center is one...
TEDx is a well-known presentation venue which offers thinkers from a wide range of disciplines the opportunity to share their expertise with an engaged audience. The presentations given at TEDx...
On August 4, 2023, family, friends, and supporters of students of the Utah Physician Assistant Program (UPAP) gathered for Class 52’s graduation ceremony. The event was held at the Kingsbury...
Maria Gomez began working on the Utah AHEC IMPULSE, or IMPULSO, Project in October 2021 when she joined Utah AHEC. The project officially started this year and has had some...
The Community Assistance and Resource Event (CARE) Fair is an annual event held by the Junior League of Salt Lake City. In the event, families from the Salt Lake and...
The REACH U2 program has come to a successful conclusion. Over the past ten weeks, our scholars have embarked on a transformative journey of learning and growth, culminating in their...