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College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) and Research Society on Alcohol (RSA)
Grace Broussard, MPH, presented a poster at College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 86th Annual Scientific Meeting in Montreal, Canada and at the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota titled “Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of an Opioid and Alcohol Co-use Medication Management Intervention.” The poster reported on qualitative interviews with 60+ pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and stakeholders to explore pharmacy staff perceptions towards the implementation of a pharmacy-based screening/intervention for the co-use of opioids and alcohol.
College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
Katie Kinsey, LCSW, gave an oral presentation at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 86th Annual Scientific Meeting as part of an oral session titled Soda Fountain: Pharmacy in Harm Reduction on June 17th, 2024, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Titled Pharmacist Involvement in Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Patients with Prescription Opioid Misuse Behaviors, the presentation will cover an exploratory analysis on the intensive Motivational Interviewing (MI) training taken by study pharmacists as part of the Healthy Opioid Prescription Engagement Study; a behavioral health randomized clinical trial utilizing high fidelity MI in Medication Therapy Management services to target opioid medication misuse.
College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
Carter Reeves, the study coordinator for SUBLIME (Study of Utahn's Beliefs and Life Experiences with Integrative Medicine), presented at CPDD's 86th Annual Scientific Meeting June, 2024. CPDD provides a forum for scientists of diverse backgrounds to advance the understanding of addictive disorders through new scientific knowledge. He presented a poster titled, "Why do Medical Cannabis Patients use Illicit Medicinal Cannabis in the State of Utah" focused on the preliminary findings from the SUBLIME study. The research presented will inform attendees of the prevalence of illicit medicinal cannabis use in the state and the motivations and barriers influencing this behavior.