The Division of Geriatrics focuses on the education for a range of students, house staff, fellows, and faculty in the physiology, biology, research, and clinical aspects of aging. This includes an Aging Module of the Organ System course for sophomore medical students, RRC-mandated rotations in Geriatric Medicine with three or four house staff on the Geriatric teaching service at all times, and an accredited fellowship for two geriatric fellows each year.
We also provide gerontological training for student or resident nurses, pharmacists, social workers, dentists, podiatrists, and physical therapists, having completed training for over 2500 such allied health trainees since the division's inception in 1987. Our national and regional Geriatric Conferences also provide accredited CME educational experiences for attendees nationwide.
Why Geriatrics?
The phrase “Baby Boomers” is often used in the media, but what does this mean for Utah? Utah will experience dramatic growth in its senior population:
- The 65 and older population will increase from 213,201 in 2000 to 319,564 in 2015, a growth rate of 50%.
- By 2030, it will have grown to 544,529, an increase of 331,328 or 155% compared to Utah’s senior population in 2000.
- Utah has the 6th fastest growth rate in the nation for people age 65 and older.
- In Utah, one person will turn 65 years old every 23 minutes in 2015.
- The 75 and older population will increase 60% between 2020 and 2030, when the baby boom generation begins reaching age 75.
- By 2015, seven Utah counties are projected to have more than 15% of their population over age 65; 26 of the 29 counties will have more than 10% over age 65.
Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah, 2003.