Medical Students
Medical Students
A handful of University of Utah medical school class will go on to specialize in geriatrics. Due to the demographic imperative and the aging of our population, it is estimated that most physicians spend more than half of their time providing care for older individuals. In addition, there is an expanding body of knowledge specific to the care of older patients. Therefore, the University of Utah School of Medicine believes it is important to prepare its graduates to be competent in providing care for older individuals.
The Geriatrics Curriculum
The Medical School at the University of Utah is moving toward a fully integrated curriculum and geriatric competencies are being emphasized throughout all four years of medical school. Competencies have been based on the Consensus conference on Competencies in Geriatrics Education by the American Association of Medical Colleges and the John A. Hartford Foundation. During the MS1 & 2 years geriatric material is primarily integrated into didactics activities. Additionally every medical student spends a minimum of ½ day with a geriatrician in the clinical setting. During the MS3 & 4 years geriatrics is taught in both the didactic and clinical settings utilizing a variety structured and independent learning activities to reinforce geriatric content.
Geriatric Resources for MS1 & MS2 Students
MS4 Geriatrics Elective
(Graduate Certificate in Gerontology - INTMD 7035)