Helpful Research Links
Helpful Research Links
- CRCE Pulse Page (Training and Guidance, Webinar/Workshop Calendar)
- CRCE Tip Sheets and References
- Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) - Required for Human Subjects Research
- Epic Training Pulse page
- Good Clinical Practice Training (GCP) Training - Required for Human Subjects Research
- Internal Medicine Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) - Required for all new SCs/CRCs (comprehensive online instruction/reference tool)
- Learning Management System (LMS) - Annual HIPAA privacy training and other e-learning courses or training programs (i.e. EPIC, uTRAC) for the UofU Healthcare.
- Research Education (REd)- Recommended courses and certification (Free source of research education)
- Clinical Research Compliance & Education (CRCE)
- Conflict of Interest Management (COI)
- ClinicalTrials.gov Information - Please contact Scott Low with questions
- FDA Guidance Documents
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Radiologic Review Committee (RDRC)
- Resource for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research (RGE)
- uTRAC Login
- ARUP Laboratories
- Analytics Hub - EDW and VDO Data requests.
- Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) - Clinical Trial Support (please contact Michelle Adams for nursing effort analysis at 801-581-2224)
- Data Science Services - Get access to clinical data (patient counts and/or names). Help maximize clinical trial accrual/recruitment/feasiabiltiy. Contact: datascience@hsc.utah.edu
- EPIC (Help/troublshooting call 801-587-6005, Option #7)
- Investigational Drug Services (IDS) PULSE page
- IDS Appointments (Monitor/Audit)
- Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
- Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) - free web application useful for building/managing online surveys and databases for clinical trials
- Research Participant Advocate: Sadie Gabler - phone: 801-581-3803
- SOPs - Internal Medicine Clinical Trials
- Study Design and Biostatistics Center (SDBC) - Assist in selection of study design, sample size, grant application writing, conducting statistical analysis etc.
- Technology and Venture Commercialization (TVC) - Assist with evaluation and prepration of an MTA (if you are planning to send materials or data to a collaborator).
- Translation/Interpretation Services
- eRA Commons Login
- NIH Biosketch Instructions & Template
- Office of Extramural Research - NIH's central resource for grants and funding information
- DOIM HR Pulse page
- MyNCBI - maintain publication lists for NIH biosketch and other purposes; set up automatic search
- Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) - document used by scientists and their institutions to transfer materials to other scientists and institutions. It's important that all MTAs are evaluated and signed by an authorized TVC rep.
- ResearchMatch - free recruitment and feasibility analysis tool for researchers at participating institutions. ResearchMatch connects volunteers with studies
- VA research - For questions please fee free to contact Caroline Phinney, Human Research Protection Program Admin, Caroline.phinney@va.gov or 801-582-1565 x4866
- VA WOC - To obtain WOC status please contact Alan.Betts@va.gov