Quality Control
Proficiency testing is performed biannually with other world-class institutions to verify the accuracy and reliability of results.
Lab Compliance
As a clinical diagnostic/research laboratory, the lab is CAP, CLIA, and FDA-compliant.
Why Choose the University of Utah?
- Board certified neurologists specializing in cutaneous innervation
- FinalFix, to protect your samples
- Personal attention - speak to qualified lab professionals via phone or email
- Quick turnaround time for results—most cases in 7–10 business days
- Online access to clinical reports via EPIC Link
- No charge for biopsy kits and return shipping
- Experienced technical staff and rigorous quality control ensure accurate results
- For billing questions, please contact the lab at (801) 585-2461. We offer laboratory testing at a 30% discount for self-pay patients.

Cutaneous Nerve Laboratory
Department of Neurology
University of Utah Health
175 N. Medical Drive East, Rm 3335
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MT
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Holidays Closed: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Pioneer Day (July 24), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day
Phone: 801-585-2461
Fax: 801-213-0861
Email: biopsy@hsc.utah.edu