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Make sure to follow PARCKA's social media platforms to be notified of all #AHSR2019 updates!

Click either of the links below to check out #AHSR2019's feed and you don't need a twitter or facebook to check it out!


Only #2weeks until #AHSR2019. Register now at - you are running out of time!

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The second plenary at #AHSR2019 is going to be one you will not want to miss! This plenary is exactly #twoweeks from today. We are looking forward to hearing more from Dr. Katharine Bradley, Dr. Emily Williams, and Amy Lee. Make sure to register at today!

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Eric Romo is our next #AHSR2019 Investigator Award winner! Eric is currently working towards both his MD and PhD in the Clinical & Population Health Research Program at @UMassMedical. We're excited to see Eric and his research in just two short weeks!

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With #AHSR2019 just around the corner, we couldn't stop our staff's Park City favs just yet! There is SO much more to do in Park City than just checking out all the cool research at #AHSR2019. Check out what Gina recommends!

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The #AHSR2019 Opening Plenary will be hosted by @NIH. Speakers include Dr. Lori Ducharme, Dr. Jennifer Villani, and Dr. Tisha Wiley. They will be presenting on the NIH HEAL Initiative. Don't miss out on this presentation! Register now at

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We are only #3weeks away from #AHSR2019! It's still not too late to register at but you don't have much time left!

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The next #AHSR2019 Investigator Awardee is Dr. Karli Hochstatter. Dr. Hochstatter is currently a Postdoc Research Fellow at @ColumbiaSSW @ColumbiaMSPH, as well as a scholar at @BrownUniversity. Dr. Hochstatter earned her MPH & PhD at @uwsmph. Congrats Dr. Hochstatter!

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Our next #AHSR2019 Awardee is Madeline Frost! Madeline is a first-year doctoral student in the Department of Health Services at @UW. She's also a Research Training Program predoctoral trainee at @VAPugetSound. We are looking forward to Madeline presenting at #AHSR2019! Congrats!

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We are officially only #onemonth away from #AHSR2019! We're going to highlight 2 awardees this week for the special occasion! Starting us off is Michael Flores from @harvardmed @challiance. We are looking forward to Dr. Flores's #ASHR2019 presentation & you should be too!

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We hope you have been enjoying learning about the #amazing #AHSR2019 Investigator Awardees! Next we have Dr. Anne Fernandez from @umichmedicine. Dr. Fernandez will actually be giving both oral & poster presentations at #AHSR2019! We are eager to learn more about her research!

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The next #AHSR2019 Awardee is Dr. Jure Baloh. Dr. Baloh is an asst. professor at @uamshealth. Dr. Baloh will be presenting his research "Al-Anon Intensive Referral (AIR): A qualitative formative evaluation for implementation" at #AHSR2019. #Congrats Dr. Baloh!

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PARCKA GRA Ary can't wait for #AHSR2019! Ary is fairly new to #ParkCity, like many of our upcoming #AHSR2019 visitors! Ary moved to our beautiful state a couple years ago & has been able to do some exploring! Ary's favorite #ParkCity spot is Atticus Coffee, Books & Teahouse.

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AHSR2019 is only a few weeks away! As we approach the conference, we are starting weekly spotlights of our Investigator Awardees! Kicking it off is Dr. Rachel Bachrach, who is presenting research on unhealthy alcohol use among Veterans at #AHSR2019. Congrats Dr. Bachrach!

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PARCKA Research Analyst Mitchell Garets is looking forward to #AHSR2019 - are #you? Mitchell's favorites in Park City include delicious pub food and biking! Check out all the activities #ParkCity has to offer at

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Today makes it #official! We are only #twomonths away from #AHSR2019. Conf. registration & hotel are quickly filling up! Are you #ready? If not, head over to now and we will see you all very soon!

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#PARCKA Senior Clinical Research Coordinator actually lives near Park City and is our only staff member to call it #home so make sure to listen to her #recommendation. Kristi is looking forward to #AHSR2019 and is ready for October!

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#LASTDAY! #AHSR2019 early registration ends today! This is your #lastday to register at our lower price! Registration goes up $100 starting tomorrow! Register now at

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You are running out of time to register for #AHSR2019 at our early registration pricing! After tomorrow, registration goes up $100! Save $100 and register today at!

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THIS. IS. IT. The #AHSR2019 Late Breaking Abstract Period closes tonight at 11:59 MST! This is your last chance - will #not reopen!! Get your research in now at

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Time is quickly running out! The #AHSR2019 Late Breaking Abstract Period ends #tomorrow August 9, 2019! Submit now at

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#AHSR2019 seems to have deadlines coming up all over the place - so make sure to #listen! There is only one week left of early registration! It ends next Weds. August 14th. After that, registration goes up $100! Register now at

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#AHSR2019 is quickly approaching! #PARCKA Research Analyst Jade has some great recommendations for your upcoming #AHSR2019 #ParkCityUT trip!

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You only have #2DAYS left to submit your research to #AHSR2019. #AHSR2019 is only a little over two months away. You wont want to miss this!

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#AHSR2019 Late Breaking Abstract Submissions will close in #3DAYS! Head over to and submit your research before it's too late!

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Let the #countdown begin! You only have #4days left to submit your research to #AHSR2019. The late breaking submission portal closes this Friday, August 9th. This is your #lastchance! Head over to to submit #now!

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This is your #lastchance to submit your research to #AHSR2019! Late Breaking Abstract Submissions are now #open at Submit your research #now before it's too late - you only have #oneweek!

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Is your #research #ready? We are accepting late breaking abstracts for #AHSR2019 for one week only - starting #tomorrow Aug. 1st. This is your #lastchance to present your research at #AHSR2019. Be ready for tomorrow!

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The #AHSR2019 Late Breaking Abstract Period is only #2days away!! This will be your #lastchance to submit your research to #AHSR2019! Don't let this chance pass you by! Start submitting abstracts this Thursday 08/01 at

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For those of you coming to #AHSR2019 this October in #parkcity - be ready to #EAT! #parkcity has some of the best food Utah has to offer! Check out what #PARCKA Research Analyst @mdungan09 suggests at one of his favorite places, #501onMain.

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AHSR2019 co-chair @DrConnieK is looking forward to #ParkCity this October and so should #you! Fall is one of the best times to take in the #utah #mountain #scenery. Head up to the beautiful trails on bike like Dr. Kitchens & check out the changing leaves and the cool fresh air!

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AHSR2019 co-chair Dr. Jerry Cochran's favorite thing to do in #parkcity is the #alpineslide. Here is with his kids last fall! There are so many #fun & #exciting things to do in Park City that aren't reserved for the snow! Get ready for your upcoming #AHSR2019 trip!

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#AHSR2019 is rapidly approaching! There is only one month left of early registration! After that, registration goes up $100! Head over to now and get our #earlybird pricing before it's #toolate.

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For those of you headed to #AHSR2019 this October & don't know all the #cool things Park City has to offer - we are going to have weekly Park City #favorites from our staff to help you plan your upcoming trip! We are kicking it off with our newest addition, Shayla!

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As promised, #AHSR2019 has some exciting news for those of you who missed your chance to submit or your research wasn't ready! Our late breaking abstract submission will be August 1-9! 1 week only & highly competitive - only have a few spots left! This is your #lastchance!

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Did you miss your chance to submit your abstract to #AHSR2019 or your research wasn't ready yet but it is now? We may have some exciting news for you then! #staytuned & check back here in a few hours for some exciting news...

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The #reviews are in and #decisions are being made! If you submitted an abstract to #AHSR2019 you will receive a response via email in the upcoming days! We received 230+ abstracts and we had some truly #amazing research submitted! Stay tuned and make sure to check your email!

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You are not going to want to miss the #AHSR2019 #preconference #workshops! Learn more about the #workshops at All of these #workshops are included at no additional fee to #ALL those who are registered to #AHSR2019.

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The #AHSR2019 Abstract Submission Deadline is TODAY!! If you are still needing a reason to submit and present at #AHSR2019, we have 5 for you! Submit now before it's too late at

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The #AHSR2019 Abstract Submission Deadline is TOMORROW May 10th!! Get your abstracts in while you still can! We already have some amazing abstracts submitted and we want YOURS too! Submit now at

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This #countdown is nearing its end! The #AHSR abstract submission deadline is ONLY 2 days away! This is your chance to present and publish your research! If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for?? Submit today at

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Only 3 days left to submit your abstracts for #AHSR2019! This is the #finalcountdown! We want you to present your #research - all abstracts due May 10, 2019! Submit now at

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We are in the final countdown! Only 4 days left to submit your abstracts for #AHSR2019! If you're planning on it - what are you waiting for? This could be your last chance to present your research in beautiful #parkcityutah this October! Submit now at!

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In case you hadn't heard, we have extended the #AHSR2019 abstract submission deadline! The new deadline is May 10, 2019. This is your chance to present your research in beautiful #parkcity this October! Submit your abstracts now at

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AHSR2019 has a limited amount of awards available for New & Underrepresented Investigators! If you want #you and #yourresearch considered for an award (and prize!) visit to learn how! The deadline for abstracts & awards is May 10, 2019!

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That's all folks! Here is a complete list of all of our #preconference #workshops. We are honored to have all of these #speakers with us and we hope you enjoyed reading about them this week. Looking forward to #AHSR2019 in #parkcity this October! Register@

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In our last posted #preconference #workshop #speakers we have Drs. Saitz and Lin. We are looking forward to having these #great speakers at #AHSR2019. All #workshops are free to attend the day before if you are registered for #AHSR2019. Register now at

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Next in our #preconference #workshop #speakers we have Dr. Donna Coffman. October is still six months away, but those months can go by quick! Register for #AHSR2019 at to be able to attend Dr. Coffman's workshop!

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We are so pleased to have Drs. Murphy & McCollister with us for the #AHSR2019 #preconference #workshops. Remember, all of these incredible #workshops are completely free and available to all registered conference goers! Register now at

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The #AHSR2019 Abstract Deadline is ONLY 3 weeks away - May 1, 2019! All accepted abstracts will be published! This is your chance to #present and #publish your #research! Get your abstracts in @ before it's too late!

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Next in our #preconference #workshops we are honored to have Drs. Horgan and Huskamp. This session will be sponsored by Brandeis-Harvard NIDA Center to Improve Systems Performance for Substance Use Disorder Treatment. @BrandeisU @HarvardHealth @UofUHealth @NIDAnews

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Continuing with posting the #AHSR2019 #preconference #workshops and #speakers we have Dr. Lindsey Zimmerman with us! #AHSR is going to be a conference you do not want to miss! To register visit

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Next in our #preconference #workshopspeakers lineup is Dr. Beth Ann Griffin. We are so excited to have Dr. Griffin speaking at #AHSR2019 this October! Learn more about AHSR and register at #addictionhealthservicesresearch

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Our next #AHSR2019 #preconference #workshop will be organized by Dr. Sharon Reif. We are looking forward to this session, sure to be #amazing! To learn more and register, visit - and remember the preconference is #free to ALL registered conference goers!

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This week we will be posting all of the #AHSR2019 preconference workshops! Today we are kicking it off with Drs. Lori Ducharme & Tisha Wiley. We are honored to have them present at #AHSR! To see the whole lineup and for more information visit

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If you're wanting to submit your #research at #AHSR2019 but haven't submitted your #abstract, what are you waiting for? The deadline is only a little over 3 weeks away-May 1, 2019! Submit your abstracts today @ #theendisnear #addictionresearch

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Need another reason to get excited about #AHSR2019?? We have organized all of our #preconferenceworkshops with some really #incredible #speakers!! See the lineup now @ #FREE to all registered attendees! You don't want to miss this! #registernow

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It’s supposed to be pretty grey & gloomy weather here in #SLC this weekend. Sounds like the perfect weekend to stay inside with a warm blanket and #REGISTER for #AHSR2019. Learn more and register now at #addictionmedicine #research

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So the slopes of Park City may not be full of snow for #AHSR2019 .... but there are many other things to occupy you and your family time around the time of the conference.

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New welcome message up for our #AHSR2019 annual conference at Come to see "AHSR Elevated"! Come to Park City, see the sites!

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Registration for #AHSR2019 is officially OPEN! Register now at We hope to see you in beautiful #ParkCity this October! Explore the #AHSR2019 website to check out local activities, accommodations available, and how to present!

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The Brandeis-Harvard NIDA Center will be facilitating mentoring opportunities at #AHSR2019! If you are interested in participating as a #mentor or #mentee, visit to learn more and register! @UofUHealth @UofUResearch @UofUEpi #HSR #healthservicesresearch

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Do you like #impsci? Interested in #addiction research? Want an excuse to visit beautiful #parkcity? Apply to present at #AHSR2019!!

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It’s been a great time at the Addiction Health Services Research conference in Savannah. I’m looking forward to #AHSR2019 in Utah next year! #AHSR2018

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Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Oct. 16-18, 2019 #AHSR2019

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There’s a lot to get excited about for #AHSR2019 (! We have a #UTAHELEVATED opening reception planned and much more! Getting signed up is super easy, just follow the steps below! We'll see you in beautiful #ParkCity this October! #addictionscience #HSR

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Getting signed up and involved in #AHSR2019 is as easy as 1-2-3! #signup, #submityourabstract, #followoursocialmedia. #addictionscience #HSR #healthservicesresearch

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Here is a map of the #canyonsvillage where #PARCKA will be hosting #AHSR2019! Take a look at everything the resort has to offer! Plenty of restaurants and right on the mountain! Register for #AHSR2019 today at #addictionscience #HSR #healthservicesresearch

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Abstract submissions for #AHSR2019 are open! Abstracts are being accepted in a variety of addiction research areas including #clinicaltrials, #implementationscience, #communitybasedresearch, & #educationevaluations. Get your submissions in and #presentatAHSR @UofUHealth @UofUEpi

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The 2019 Addiction Health Services Research (#AHSR2019) conference is coming soon. Register and submit abstracts at: Wanna enjoy some scenes from the resort in Park City where it will occur? Check out

Looking forward to playing in #parkcity in October 2019 at the #AHSR2019 conference. Registration is open at! What to in Park City when you are here? Let's have fun with #addictionscience #HSR #healthservicesresearch

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Do you need an excuse other than #AHSR2019 to visit #ParkCity this October? How about all of the fun activities it has to offer? Like hiking, biking, hot-air balloons and more! Visit to register for #AHSR2019 and to check out a whole list of activities!

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Would you like to present at #AHSR2019 in #ParkCity? Submit your abstract & poster starting NOW! Visit to see the requirements, instructions, and to register! All accepted abstracts will be published in the “Substance Abuse” journal. #wewanttohearfromyou

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Looking forward to walking up Main street in Park City at the #AHSR2019 conference in October. Register now at

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Registration for #AHSR2019 is officially OPEN! Register now at We hope to see you in beautiful #ParkCity this October! #addiction #healthservicesresearch #HSR @UofUHealth @UofUEpi @UofUResearch

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Toured the site for #AHSR2019 yesterday. How about a western BBQ under the stars during the opening reception? Has AHSR been to a BBQ before at around 7000 feet of elevation? Good times. Keep abreast of the latest news, tidbits, and announcements at...

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On a National Planning Committee call for my favorite annual conference - Addiction Health Services Research! This year it is in beautiful Park City, Utah in October. #AHSR2019

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Looking forward to hosting the world at #AHSR2019 in Park City Utah. check out... for the latest and greatest information. Registration opens within a couple weeks. Aiming to be the biggest AHSR meeting in history! #addiction #healthservicesresearch #HSR

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#AHSR2019 website is now live, with new information being added, check it out: @PARCKAis excited to be hosting!! #addictionresearch #Collaboration

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Woohoo! We have a logo for #AHSR2019 in Park City Utah in October 2019. Contracts are being signed, website is almost up, a lot of blissful energy.

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Thanks @substanceabusej for agreeing to publish all accepted abstracts for #ahsr2019. It will be nice to see international scholars in #addiction #healthservicesresearch not only present their work but see it in print too

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Early morning on the slopes. #ahsr2019 coming to Park City. We can attest to the awesome venue, the great food, and experience scholars will have. October can’t come soon enough!

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We are pleased to announce the 2019 Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference: October 16-18, Park City, Utah. Hosted by the University of Utah and @UofU_PARCKA#AHSR2019

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