Past Grand Rounds
08/13/2019: Cynthia Carlsson, MD, MS “Vascular Biomarkers in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease”
06/11/2019: Joel D. Trinity, PhD “Dietary Nitrate, Salt Intake, and Endothelin Receptors – Novel Interventions to Lower Blood Pressure and Improve Vascular Function in Hypertension”
05/14/2019: Rand Rupper, MD, M.P.H. “Evidence Based Everything: How We Know if Quality Improved”
04/09/2019: Jonathan Nebeker, MD, MS “Discovery and Construction of Clinical Models and Pathways: Physiology, Clinical Trials, and Machine Learning”
03/12/2019: Lisa Lesniewski, PhD “T Cells and Age-Related Vascular and Metabolic Dysfunction”
02/12/2019: D. Walter Wray, PhD “Autonomic and Vascular Function in Heart Failure”
01/08/2019: Markus Amann, PhD “Autonomic and Vascular Function in Heart Failure”
Additional educational events for the Division of Geriatrics may be found here.