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International Electives


The University Teaching Hospital of Kigali, Rwanda offers residency training programs in internal medicine, emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, general surgery, and beyond, with advanced fellowship training options like gastroenterology. You have the opportunity to rotate alongside medical students and residents from Rwanda in the inpatient internal medicine wards. Your role is as a clinician educator, both doing bedside care and participating in and teaching at morning reports, noon conferences, and physical exam skills sessions for medical students.

two people








Michael Zou in Rwanda. "An unforgettable experience that will forever change your perspective on healthcare in low and middle countries as well as in the US."








“Living in Rwanda was an unforgettable cultural and educational experience— highlights were teaching Rwandan and Sudanese medical students on the wards, learning Kinayarwanda from the nurses, exploring the vibrant city of Kigali, visiting the Rwandan genocide museum and of course seeing a zebra for the first time!” - Addie Browne, former resident, now hospitalist at the University of Utah


The Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia offers a middle-income country clinical experience in a high-quality public hospital for our fluent Spanish speakers. This clinical experience is in the acute care setting (emergency room). 


Delek Hospital in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India offers a clinical experience with highly experienced physicians who work in both the 20-bed hospital and outlying areas where the Tibetan population lives. This is an incredible cultural and public health experience.