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Welcome to the Global Health and Underserved Track

The goal of the Global Health & Underserved Track is to provide meaningful opportunities for our residents to experience medicine in unique settings with a focus on health equity. The track includes an international or domestic rotation with an associated scholarly project that enriches both the resident and the hospitals we serve. Throughout your categorical training you will have the opportunity to work at several underserved community clinics in the area. This experience provides not only a significant impact to the surrounding community, but greater insight into health care disparities within our health system.

Educational Focus

The curriculum of the Global Health & Underserved Track emphasizes medical knowledge, scholarship, culture exploration, communication, and teaching skills. The two-year curriculum focuses on social determinants of health, practicing medicine in low-resource settings, public health, and preventive medicine. You will also learn how to conduct a needs assessment by identifying an area of need and designing a scholarly project to be implemented during your elective rotation. This can be done with input from the GHUT track directors and on-site partners.  Our goal is for the majority of the track to have an on-site clinical experience. This can be completed at a domestic location or one of our international sites.* Onsite experiences require a scholarly project. Ideally, projects will be designed prior to departure. On elective you will learn from local healthcare providers, students, resident physicians, and patients, You will also have the opportunity to share your own knowledge - leaving a lasting, bidirectional impact.

Program Structure

This two-year curriculum consists of:

  • Regular “learning sessions”
    • Various formats, e.g. journal clubs, brief readings with discussion, group cultural experiences.
  • Volunteer work in our local community
  • The opportunity to experience a domestic and an international rotation
  • An individual or small group scholarly project

Scholarly Project: You have the freedom to choose a topic that you care about. This could be research, clinical, or teaching-based - it is up to you. Track leadership together with local on-site leads will help you formulate a plan that can be implemented during your elective. You will present your project to the program upon your return.


For most residents, the elective is the most rewarding part of the Global Health & Underserved Track, and perhaps their entire residency. You will be on the ground for four weeks, working side-by-side with local healthcare providers, and executing your scholarly project.

Application Process for Categorical Tracks

Prospective applicants for tracks (Global HealthPrimary Care, and Hospital Medicine) should apply to the conventional categorical residency program (1732140C0) in the NRMP Match. Once you have joined our program, you will apply to the track of your choice during your PGY1 year. Track activities will begin during July of your PGY2 year.