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2024-2025 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows

4th Year Fellows

Marlayna Despres

Marlayna Despres, MD

Where you Completed your Residency: University of Utah/Primary Children's

Where you completed Medical School: University of Utah 

Undergraduate School: Westminster College 

Medical Areas of Interest: Fetal cardiology, echocardiography, genomic and personalized medicine.

Interests & Hobbies: Camping, gardening, hiking, trying new restaurants, hanging out with husband and dogs 

Hometown: Salt Lake City 

Why Utah Pediatric cardiology? This is a busy program with amazing mentors, a strong research infrastructure, and located in my favorite place! 

What is your favorite part about our program? I like that the people here are invested in teaching and that everyone is so approachable and helpful 

What is your favorite part about living in Salt Lake City? I like having a full 4 seasons and enjoying exploring the city and surrounding mountains 

What cool research/advocacy/education/scholarly work are you participating in? I was awarded a T32 grant that is a training grant from the NIH and I will be researching maternal hypoxia in fetal diagnoses of critical congenital heart disease and how that influences neurodevelopment. Additionally, I will focus on any patients with genetic defects and if this will change the influence of maternal hyperoxia. Recently, I presented a case series about 5 patients who were diagnosed with genetic mutations via rapid whole genome sequencing that impacted their acute management following aborted cardiac arrest. 

What has been a standout rotation or teaching experience you've been part of as a fellow? I loved my cath rotation because I learned a TON, the attendings were great teachers, and the procedure part was also super interesting and exciting.

What is something you didn't know before coming to Utah that you wish you did? I have always been here so I will say that this place is addictive and nearly impossible to leave! 

What are your plans following fellowship? I am staying in Utah for a 4th year focused on fetal cardiology, echo, and genomic medicine and research.

What made you decide to come to Utah?  The people, the city, the learning environment, and the opportunities!

3rd Year Fellows

Matthew Boucek

Matthew Boucek, MD

Medical Areas of Interest: Interventional pediatric cardiology, pediatric heart failure and transplant. 

Interests and Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, hiking, photography. 

Why Utah: Program reputation, location, family. 

What is your favorite part about our program: It encompasses all aspects of pediatric cardiology. 

What is your favorite part of living in SLC: Access to mountains and outdoor recreation. 

What cool research/advocacy/education/scholarly work are you participating in: Previously involved in transcatheter closure of micro premature infant patent ductus arteriosus and less invasive methods of heart transplant rejection detection.(have not started with projects in Utah yet)

Rachel Henning

Rachel Henning, MD

Interests & Hobbies: Travel, volleyball, baking, baseball, hiking, puzzles

Why Utah: I felt like the fellows got along well, seemed well supported by the program, and had a good work life balance. I love being so close to the mountains and so many National Parks!

2nd Year Fellows

Nick Aizcorbe portrait

Nick Aizcorbe, MD

About me: My name is Nick Aizcorbe and I've lived in the South my entire life. I went to a small private college called Wofford College in the upstate of South Carolina and proceeded to Medical School at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). I stayed for Pediatric Residency training at MUSC. I have known since medical school that I wanted to be a Pediatric Cardiologist and I'm excited about the opportunity to get one step closer to my goal. 

Medical Areas of Interest: Cardiac Intensive Care, Cross Sectional Imaging

Interests/hobbies: Soccer, hiking, climbing, golf

Why Utah: Prior to applying for Cardiology Fellowship, I thought of Utah as an interesting place to explore but had never considered moving here. After doing some research into the program, I discovered that it’s a high volume surgical center with complex congenital heart disease and, equally as importantly, a healthy program culture. Finding a balance of academic/clinical excellence and a healthy place to work can be difficult in medicine but this program does it well. Living so close to beautiful mountains and awesome places to explore out West doesn't hurt either.

Ahmed Badran, MBBCh Portrait

Ahmed Badran, MBBCh, MBBCh

About MeI grew up in Egypt, where I completed my medical education, including medical school and pediatric residency. After that, I worked as a general pediatrician for a few years before making the decision to relocate to the United States. In the US, I pursued a three-year fellowship in pediatric endocrinology. However, in order to be eligible to apply for board certification, I had to repeat my pediatric residency. Despite this setback, I remained determined and applied once again, this time for a fellowship in pediatric cardiology, which had always been my aspiration and goal.

Medical Areas of Interest: Haven't decided yet. but considering either interventional Cardiology or non-invasive advanced cardiac imaging

Interests and Hobbies: PlayStation, Cooking, fishing

Why Utah? Prestigious program , high volume of patients was diverse pathologies. Utah is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, including iconic national parks. I have countless opportunities to explore and immerse myself in nature's beauty.

Ned Hardison, MD portrait

Ned Hardison, MD

About me: I was born in the Tarheel state and bled Carolina Blue for undergrad and medical school at UNC before moving to Nashville for Med-Peds residency at Vanderbilt. I moved out here with my fiancée, and we do not have any children (fur or otherwise).

Medical Areas of Interest: Undecided / ACHD

Interests and Hobbies: Upon arrival, we went full Utah and joined a climbing gym, which adds to our other hobbies of hiking, skiing, and running. I would like my hobbies to include a dog but we are working out a general disagreement at home as to the size of said dog. Stay tuned – I’m going to see how Mikayla’s journey goes before committing.

Why UT? During fellowship applications I was trying to expand my search out of the southeast where I had spent most of my life. Utah initially appealed to me as a rapidly growing (both patients and faculty), high-volume center with a high catchment area. Talking with the fellows on my interview day, I got a sense of how intentional the program is with its training and treatment of the fellows. For example, the program is growing rapidly, so they expanded the fellowship program (pretty concrete answer to my interview question of, “how do you incorporate feedback”!). The faculty here is simultaneously outstanding, approachable, and just happy to be here. They come from all over the country, which, as a transplant, I appreciate. Finally, it’s absurd how close the outdoors are. When you’re not working, it’s truly a playground.

Mikayla Gallenberger

Mikayla Lash, MD

About me: I was born in Illinois and then moved to Nebraska, New York, and New Hampshire before settling in Wisconsin where I did my undergraduate and medical school training at University of Wisconsin-Madison. I then moved to Utah to do my pediatrics training with my now-husband and have accumulated 2 cats and a puppy along the way. 

Medical Areas of Interest: electrophysiology, language equity, community education.

Interests/hobbies: sand volleyball (yes, they have that in Utah), downhill skiing, hiking, reading, running reasonable distances.

Why Utah: I wanted to be at a referral center where I could 1) see everything and 2) have the opportunity to set families from rural areas up for success. I also felt like the network of people involved in fellow training was well-established (from the surgeons who take on a personal responsibility to teach us like their own fellows to the echo techs who are invested in us getting THE arch shot). 

Jariselle Pietri Toro, MD portrait

Jariselle Pietri Toro, MD

About me: I’m from Puerto Rico, I completed undergrad and medical school there. Moved to Miami for residency at Jackson Memorial/University of Miami and finally escaped the humidity moving to Utah! 

Medical Areas of Interest: Global/Minorities Health, Acute Care, Electrophysiology

Interest and Hobbies: I love paddleboarding with my husband and dog, we’ve found some beautiful lakes around SLC for that! I love reading, specially thrillers that make me stay until 3 AM to finish the book. Also, food!!! 

Why UT? The high volume of patients and variety of pathologies we see what was initially attracted me, the interactions on my interview day sealed the deal! 

1st Year Fellows

Ali Abdulkarim, MBBCh - portrait

Ali Abdulkarim, MBBCh

Academic Office Information

I grew up in Cairo, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the majestic pyramids of Giza (traffic permitting, of course!). Fast forward to my medical school days at the University of Cairo, where two amazing things happened. Firstly, I serendipitously.

After spending my residency years amidst the bustling energy of New York City, I sought a change of pace. Utah offered the perfect blend of high clinical volume, top-notch training, exciting research prospects

Interests and Hobbies: Cooking, reading, soccer (both playing and watching), and hiking.

Medical Areas of Interest: During residency, my research focused on the outcomes of Fontan and Ross procedures, which ignited my interest in ACHD. I am also passionate about interventional cardiology and global health.

Scott Anjewierden, MD - portrait

Scott Anjewierden, MD, MS

Academic Office Information

I grew up in Holladay, Utah and attended the University of Utah for my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering. I attended medical school at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of medicine, where I earned my M.D. degree as well as a master's.

Having grown up in Utah I knew that I loved the state. It offers the very best clinical training in pediatric cardiology with high patient volumes and complexity. 

Medical Areas of Interest: Clinically I enjoy all aspects of pediatric cardiology. Particular areas of interest to me have been cardiac imaging. cardiovascular genetics, and electrophysiology. I have also dedicated to significant portion of my training thus far to research. 

Interests and Hobbies: Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my wife and three kids. We manage to stay pretty busy with soccer, school, and other activities. My wife is a local Utah artist, and you can find her work at shows and fairs around the valley.

Zachary Zabriskie, MD - portrait

Zachary Zabriskie, MD

I grew up in St George Utah and completed my undergraduate degree at Utah State University (go Aggies!). I've been travelling east since for medical school at Saint Louis University School of Medicine followed by pediatrics residency, a year as a pediatric...

Medical Areas of Interest: Congenital heart disease

Interests and Hobbies: Spending time with my family Searching for the best local ice cream parlors and bakeries