Where you Completed your Residency: University of Utah/Primary Children's
Where you completed Medical School: University of Utah
Undergraduate School: Westminster College
Medical Areas of Interest: Fetal cardiology, echocardiography, genomic and personalized medicine.
Interests & Hobbies: Camping, gardening, hiking, trying new restaurants, hanging out with husband and dogs
Hometown: Salt Lake City
Why Utah Pediatric cardiology? This is a busy program with amazing mentors, a strong research infrastructure, and located in my favorite place!
What is your favorite part about our program? I like that the people here are invested in teaching and that everyone is so approachable and helpful
What is your favorite part about living in Salt Lake City? I like having a full 4 seasons and enjoying exploring the city and surrounding mountains
What cool research/advocacy/education/scholarly work are you participating in? I was awarded a T32 grant that is a training grant from the NIH and I will be researching maternal hypoxia in fetal diagnoses of critical congenital heart disease and how that influences neurodevelopment. Additionally, I will focus on any patients with genetic defects and if this will change the influence of maternal hyperoxia. Recently, I presented a case series about 5 patients who were diagnosed with genetic mutations via rapid whole genome sequencing that impacted their acute management following aborted cardiac arrest.
What has been a standout rotation or teaching experience you've been part of as a fellow? I loved my cath rotation because I learned a TON, the attendings were great teachers, and the procedure part was also super interesting and exciting.
What is something you didn't know before coming to Utah that you wish you did? I have always been here so I will say that this place is addictive and nearly impossible to leave!
What are your plans following fellowship? I am staying in Utah for a 4th year focused on fetal cardiology, echo, and genomic medicine and research.
What made you decide to come to Utah? The people, the city, the learning environment, and the opportunities!