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Academy of Master Surgeon Educators Adds our Own Dr. Brigitte Smith

An Impressive Showing at the ACS Clinical Congress


Dr. Fiemu Nwariaku (Chair, Department of Surgery)
AAS Fall Course Keynote Speaker 

Dr. Ray Price (Adjunct Professor)
Panel Speaker-AAGS Meeting
Title: "Principles of Bilateral Education Collaboration"
Note: Jade Nunez (ACS faculty) was the conference chair 

Dr. Laura Lambert (Surgical Oncology faculty) 
Session PS328 - Challenging Scenarios in Patients with Metastatic Gastrointestinal Cancers 
Session PS 404 – Surgical Approaches to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis 

Dr. Jessica Cohan
Abstract: #4419 - Diverticulitis As A Familial Disease: Evidence From A Population-based Analysis
Session: SF120 | Colon and Rectal Surgery 

Dr. Sudha Jayaraman
Panelist at Global Surgery Townhall 


Dr. Andrea J.H. Williamson (PGY-5), Surgical Education Research Fellow
Title: “Improving Surgical Care for Older Adults: Perspectives of Geriatricians”
Oral Presentation (Geriatric and Palliative Care session)

Dr. Lauren Slattery (PGY 4)
Abstract: #4144 - Neuroendocrine Organoids Grown In Cell Culture From Resected Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Session: SP102-2 

Dr. Trevor Hogan (MS4)
Abstract: #4250 - Addressing Barriers To Colorectal Cancer Screening By Implementing A Colorectal Cancer Screening Program On A Mobile Health Unit
Session: SF120 | Colon and Rectal Surgery I

Dr. Stephanie Iantorno (PGY 4)
Title: Non-Operative Management of Pediatric Appendicitis during the COVID-19 Pandemic across United States Children's Hospitals
Session: SF219. Pediatric Surgery IV: Clinical


Anna Melissa Darelli-Anderson/Alex Colonna (SICU Fellowship Manager and Director)
Award: Innovation in Education from SCCPDS
Title of Presentation: Development and Implementation of a Critical Care Ultrasonography Curriculum.

Building the Endocrine and Liver Cancer Surgery Programs

With Dr .Fiemu Nwariaku, our new Chair of Surgery, specializing in endocrine surgery, efforts are underway to expand endocrine surgical services in the Division. We are actively recruiting another endocrine surgeon to join the effort with additional strengths in health services research.

Dr. Courtney Scaife has been working with Huntsman Cancer Hospital to create the infrastructure that will be inviting for a leader in HPB surgery with a focus on liver cancer to lead the Liver Cancer Surgery Program. This person will bring additional liver surgery expertise as well as a history of building academic clinical programs to develop a robust clinical enterprise to make the University the place for complex liver surgery in the region.

Dr. Bartley Pickron to begin the University’s first fellowship in Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Group

(Left to right: Jess Cohan, Bartley Pickron, Lyen Huang, Jenni Clark (PA), Luke Martin)

After being the focal point for the growth of a nationally recognized specialized center for colorectal surgery and attracting talented academic faculty (Dr.’s Lyen Huang, Jess Cohan and Luke Martin) the clinical program has grown tremendously. With this growth in volume there is ample opportunity to continue to train our residents in addition to a fellow. The creation of this fellowship will further increase the University’s national academic reputation. Well done Dr. Pickron and team.

Poker Night at Casino Nirula

Poker Table

The evening began with the arrival of the first guest – our eager Interim Chair Rob Glasgow (aka RoundersRob) – who clearly had something to prove after his previous colossal defeat. After the rousing social hour which turned into 2 + hours of great talk, boisterous laughter and a tour of Indian chicken dishes, the players surrounded the felt, like sharks around chum, eager to collect the bounty as the cards hit the air.

The night opened with RoundersRob hitting a full house on the first hand leaving many of us wondering if this was foreboding. 

RoundersRob, not satisfied with his initial full house, lost a club flush draw with his 6 of clubs to Jason’s 7 of clubs. Rob’s response with his ever professional air “F#$% you Young!” 

As the heat turned up and the intensity rose the River Queen (Gia Lewis Director of the Burn Center) began bullying the table with bets of $100, $200 and $400 chips a pop. And her aggression paid off pushing Nirula out of three pots. As Gia gleefully exclaimed, “I don’t know what to do with all these chips” she slow-played Rob after his All-in bet making him count all his chips as if she was going to call only to fold – Seriously Gia?!? I should have bounced you out at that point but glad I didn’t since we took all your money in the end.

People at poker table

Then RoundersRob knocked out Nunez (aka Mumbles) with a flush after Rob already hit three full houses earlier in the night. Nunez’ displeasure with the RiverQueen’s aggression was evident (and Sarah thought violence was sure to ensue – see photo right) as Gia squeeze-played him on more than one occasion. Then there were just 3 players left - RoundersRob, the RiverQueen and Jason (aka Rainman). Then, with Rob against the ropes facing elimination his All-in bet knocks out Gia as he hits a straight over Gia’s pair (which she hit on the river of course). Rainman cracked Rob’s pair of Aces with 2 pair only to have Rob rally back with yet another straight on another all-in bet, while Alex (aka Crazy-8s) swilled another beer mourning his losses. Nirula watched on wondering if these people would ever leave but, realizing his fate, sat in a corner sipping what little remained of his scotch. Like a scene from Rocky II, Jason and Rob exchanged blows with Jason hitting his own straight that nearly knocked out Rob. But Rob, tougher than the chicken parmesan at the Olive Garden, finally knocked Jason out with yet another flush – and appropriate to his winning hand, a special trophy with his name on it! Cheers Rob.

Thanks to all who came out for a great night of brilliant company and thrilling poker. 

Man at poker table