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Russell M. Nelson Visiting Lecture 2023

Global Surgery Presents Research at the 2018 American Surgical Congress

Current and Past Research Fellows from the University of Utah Center for Global Surgery presented original research at the 13th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, held in Jacksonville FL Jan 30-Feb 1. This conference seeks to be a mainstay for the growing field of academic global surgery and Utah was well-represented!

Four presentations were given in total by our researchers, on topics ranging from cost-effectiveness to quality improvement in countries from West Africa to Asia.

ASC logoPictured here, 2017-18 research fellow Micah Katz gives his quickshot presentation: "Mesh Repair Not Standard During Inguinal Hernia Surgery in Northern Ghana". This study surveys surgeons perspectives on the "gold standard" of hernia repair; in the course of his research Dr. Katz has uncovered other important observations pointing to the need for uniform guidance about anesthesia, the feasibility of task-shifting for Hernia repair, and physician perspectives on cost-effective mesh alternatives. 


Micah Katz MD presents his original research. 

Dr. Katz conducrts field research in Ghana as Research Fellow with the Center for Global Surgery 2017-18