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Global Impact Projects: Dept. of Surgery

Global Impact Projects


  • Invited speaker and surgeon at the 2023 International Joint Symposium of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association/American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons and the 20th Korean Society for Simulation Surgery Symposium
  • Invited speaker at the KCPCA/ASMS Symposium on best clinical care practices for both facial trauma and craniosynostosis. PRESENTATIONS:
    - Secondary Surgery for Correction of Soft Tissue and Bony Abnormalities After Craniosynostosis Repair.  Seoul, South Korea. April, 2023 
    - Evaluation and Treatment of ZMC and Lefort Fractures. KCPCA/ASMS Symposium. Seoul, South Korea. April 2023 
  • During the 20th Korean Society for Simulation Surgery Symposium, live surgeries were performed and projected to the attendees. Dr. Johns was responsible for moderating the lives surgeries and answering attendee questions to facilitate discussions on best surgical practices while participating as a co-surgeon alongside the Korean surgeons.