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Faculty Feature - Dr. George Rofaiel

We talked to Transplant and Advanced Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Dr. George Rofaiel, to see what advice he has for med students interested in surgery. 

Q: What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job?

Dr. Rofaiel: The life changing nature of organ transplantation. The fact that we can offer a real second lease on life.

Q: Why did you pick your particular specialty in surgery?

Dr. Rofaiel: Watching the suffering of patients with end organ disease was what did it for me. Also, the comprehensive care that is multifaceted and requires collaboration with many other specialties before and after surgery is specific to organ transplantation. 

Q: What advice do you have for medical students who are interested in surgery?

Dr. Rofaiel: Surgery is a very fulfilling career. It requires meticulous attention to detail. It also offers you the most opportunities of changing life rapidly and immediately.

Q: What does it mean to you to be an educator for the next generation of surgeons?

Dr. Rofaiel: Performing an operation is very gratifying. Watching someone I trained perform an operation well is most thrilling.

Q: What is something fun that the residents don’t know about you?

Dr. Rofaiel: I am a big fan of animation pictures.

For more information on Dr. Rofaiel visit his profile or follow him on Twitter.