< content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Office of Surgical Education Announces: Emergency Medicine Match | Surgery | U of U School of Medicine
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Emergency Medicine matched nine applicants to join the residency program as interns for the 2020-2021 Academic Year.

allison abma emergency medicine matchAllison Abma
A.T. Still University



Scott Berndt scott berndt emergency medicine match
University of Missouri-Columbia



shahrzad dow emergency medicine matchShahrzad Dow
Pacific NW University



rownan kelner emergency medicine matchRowan Kelner
NY Medical College



benjamin moody emergency medicine matchBenjamin Moody




jared patel emergency medicine matchJared Patel
Michigan State University



 jordan rode emergency medicine matchJordan Rode
University of California Davis




ryan schumacher emergency medicine matchRyan Schumacher
Kansas City University




benjamin verseman emergency medicine matchBenjamin Verseman
University of California Davis