Fellowship Facilities/Sites
Our base of operation is at the Salt Lake City VA Medical Center in association with the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC). Secondary teaching sites are area nursing homes, and the hospitals and clinics of the University of Utah.
University of Utah Medical Center
The Geriatrics Primary Care Medical Center specializes in the care and treatment of older adults. Our clinic (a patient-centered medical home model clinic) offers outpatient primary care and consultation services by nationally known geriatric providers.
VA Medical Center
The Salt Lake VAMC Geriatric Clinic provides primary care for veterans of all ages, men and women. We also provide consultation regarding cognitive decline/function, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, management of atrial fibrillation, and preoperative assessment.
VA Salt Lake City GRECC
The Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) at the Salt Lake City VA Hospital maintains a large staff of over 25 M.D. and Ph.D. investigators and clinicians, and oversees a comprehensive interdisciplinary consultative assessment service focusing on geriatric health maintenance and cognitive disorders. The GRECC also medically directs the Home Based Primary Program at the VAMC.