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Dorothea Rosenberger, MD, PhD: University of Utah 3i-VPR Special Emphasis: Emerging COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Research Seed Grant Award for “Assessment of Patient Characteristics and Treatment Strategies from Critical Coronavirus-2019 Infections (COVID-19)

The worldwide outbreak of Coronavirus related disease (COVID-19) has resulted in hospital admission of patients to treat low blood oxygen levels from severe lung infection. Roughly 20 % of these patients require admission to a critical care unit for mechanical lung ventilation and aggressive therapy of other affected organ systems. We do not know who and why certain patients require therapy in a critical care unit and others do not. We will assess patient specific characteristics (age, gender, underlying diseases, race/ethnicity) as well as response to therapy. Knowing the specific characteristics will help guide treatment options and prepare for patient-centered therapies in the future.Award amount $23,092