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2020 Anesthesia Graduation

Each June, Graduate Medical Education programs across the country come together to celebrate the accomplishments and completion of training of their graduating residents and fellows. Completion of residency and fellowship is the culmination of years of hard work, hours and hours of reading and studying, sleepless night, joys, heartbreaks, and immense growth. These trainees deserve to be recognized and celebrated for all that they have accomplished. 

Covid-19 has forced celebrations to look a lot different this year. Large in-person gatherings were traded for virtual celebrations and buffets traded for individually delivered catered meals. Instead of a live presentation of graduates, we had pre-recorded presentations and home delivered graduation swag. Some residents and fellows were gathered to watch the celebrations together socially distanced, while others watched at home with family. It was a delight to have family members and friends from across the country be able to participate via Zoom. We were especially honored to virtually meet Grandma Jane!

While as a program we were not able to physically gather in celebration of our graduates, we are extremely proud of them and are honored they chose to make Utah their home for training (even if some wore BYU scrub caps during their entire residency). We know that our graduates will do wonderful things for the anesthesia community and any practice they choose to work for will be lucky to have them! Thank you for being a part of the Utah Anesthesia Family!

2020 Resident Graduation 

Front, left to right: Jason Hafer, Alix Pommerenke, Shelly Stephens, Allison Abitz, Landon Woolf; Middle: Brock Thorup, Matthew Farr, Jordan Henderson, Arran Seiler; Top: Joshua Nelson, Adam Dziuba, Kris Naowamondhol, Jonathan Curtis