April Senior Resident Presentations
Four esteemed senior residents from the Anesthesiology Department showcased their expertise this month during their Senior Resident Presentations.
During the first session, Iasson Yi, MD presented "RaDonda L. Vaught vs. Tennessee, Just Another Medication-Administration Error?" and Taylor Kinsey, MD presented "Bench to Bedside: Base Excess.” At the second, Emma Rousakis, MD, delved into the crucial topic of "Context is Everything: Navigating the Social Determinants of Health," while Yusuf Yunis, MD, illuminated "Cognition, Bias, and Error: Strategies for improving Decision Quality in Anesthesia."
Their informative presentations shed light on important topics in anesthesia, and we look forward to witnessing your future accomplishments. Congratulations to Dr. Yi, Dr. Kinsey, Dr. Rousakis, and Dr. Yusif!