The 2014 keynote address was delivered by Karl Swedberg, MD, PhD of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
2014 U-CARS Highlights
7:00 AM Registration
7:00–8:00 Breakfast
8:00–8:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:15 – 9:45
Session 1: What is myocardial recovery? Chairpersons: James Fang, M.D., Univ. of Utah, Dean Y. Li, M.D./Ph.D., Univ. of Utah
- Understanding myocardial recovery: hemodynamic perspective. Daniel Burkhoff, M.D./Ph.D., Columbia University
- Understanding myocardial recovery: bridging imaging and metabolism. Eduardo Rame, M.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Understanding myocardial recovery: basic science perspective. Kenneth B. Margulies, D., Univ. of Pennsylvania
Keynote address Karl Swedberg, M.D./ Ph.D., University of Gothenburg, Sweden Renin angiotensin aldosterone system
and the heart failure syndrome: lessons learned for the cardiac recovery field
10:30–10:45 Break
Session 2: Cardiac recovery lessons learned: guidance for future steps Chairpersons: Barry Greenberg, M.D., UCSD, Elizabeth H. Hammond, University of Utah/ Intermountain Healthcare
- Recovery lessons from the beta adrenergic system blockade: where do we go from here? Michael Bristow, M.D./Ph.D., Univ. of Colorado
- Revascularization leading to myocardial recovery: when and how? Eric Velazquez, M.D., DUKE University
- Myocarditis lessons for the cardiac recovery field. Dennis McNamara, D., University of Pittsburgh
- Peripartum cardiomyopathy and genetics: what can the recovery field learn? Benjamin D. Horne, Intermountain Healthcare/University of Utah
12:45–1:45 Lunch - Scientific Posters Viewing 1:45–3:15
Session 3: What can we learn from the pediatric world?
Chairpersons: Melanie Everitt, M.D., Primary’s Children’s/ University of Utah, Kevin Whitehead, M.D., University of Utah
- Biochemical differences in the pediatric failing human heart: why response to treatment and/or recovery may vary from studies of the adult myocardium. Shelley Miyamoto, M.D., Children’s Hospital of Colorado
- Achieving myocardial recovery in the child with dilated cardiomyopathy: should we expect it? Jeffrey Towbin, M.D., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Ventricular unloading as a means to ventricular recovery in children: for whom will it work and does device matter? Charles
- Fraser, M.D., Baylor College of Medicine
3:15–3:30 Break
Session 4: Recovering the Right Ventricle: black box or Pandora’s box?
Chairpersons: Stephen Mckellar, M.D., Univ. of Utah, John J. Ryan, M.D., Univ. of Utah
- Assessment of RV Function. Ryan Tedford, M.D., Johns Hopkins
- How does the RV remodel and compensate in diseased states. Gregory Lewis, M.D., Massachusetts General Hospital
- VAD unloading and the right ventricle: do we understand this relationship? Francois Haddad, M.D., Stanford University
6:00–9:00 Symposium Dinner - Best abstract mini oral presentations
7:30 Registration
7:30–7:55 Breakfast
7:55–8:00 Opening Remarks
Session 5: New therapeutic approaches for myocardial recovery
Chairpersons: Matthew A. Movsesian, M.D., University of Utah, Jared
Rutter, Ph.D., University of Utah
- Is heart failure within reach of gene- based therapy? Roger J. Hajjar, M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Manipulating metabolism to recover the failing Leslie Leinwand, Ph.D., Univ. of Colorado
- Optimizing biological therapies for myocardial recovery. Amit Patel, M.D., University of Utah
- Inflammation and the Dean Li, M.D./Ph.D., University of Utah
10:00–10:15 Break
Session 6: Mechanical circulatory support and cardiac recovery (I)
Chairpersons: Josef Stehlik, M.D., University of Utah, P. Christian Schulze, M.D./Ph.D., Columbia University
- Short-term mechanical unloading to recover the acutely failing heart: calcium cycling and other mechanisms. Bartley
- Griffith, University of Maryland
- INTERMACS 1: How to select patients such that they do well? Francis D. Pagani, M.D./Ph.D., University of Michigan
- INTERMACS 1: Recovery therapeutic strategies with an eye to the
bank. Aly El Banayosy, M.D., Penn State College of Medicine
11:45–12:00 Pick Lunch Box 12:00–2:00
Session 7: Mechanical circulatory support
and cardiac recovery (II) Chairpersons: Kenneth Spitzer, Ph.D., University of Utah, Rami Alharethi, M.D., Intermountain Healthcare
- Surgical approach to cardiac
O.H. Frazier, Texas Heart Institute
- Mechanical unloading and recovery of the failing human heart: the Utah approach. Stavros G. Drakos, University of Utah
- Mechanical assist weaning in pediatric patients: Practical considerations. Richard Kirk, M.D., Freeman Hospital/ University of Newcastle, UK
- Clinical trials of bridge to recovery: what does the field need to advance? Emma J. Birks, M.D./Ph.D., University of Louisville
2:00–2:15 Break
Clinical debate
Chairpersons: Abdallah Kfoury, M.D., Intermountain Healthcare, Jose Nativi, M.D., University of Utah
Case presentation: A donor call for transplanting a 22-year old, advanced idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy patient 25 days post LVAD implant…
- ‘Wait before listing such patients – the option of recovery is very attractive’ – Robert Kormos, M.D., University of Pittsburgh
- ‘Transplant the patient – learn more before establishing recovery in everyday clinical practice’ – Randall Starling, Cleveland Clinic