Utah Navajo Health System (UNHS) has partnered with the University of Utah's Rural Network and has elected to take part in the Rural Addiction Implementation Network (RAIN) Initiative. This initiative aims to aid rural hospital systems implement evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery activities for Substance Use Disorder. UNHS and it's leadership look to improve the lives and health of the people of San Juan County.

UNHS Collaborators
UNHS Prevention Activities
Provide culturally and linguistically appropriate education to improve family members’, caregivers’, and the public’s understanding of evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies for SUD/OUD, and to reduce stigma associated with the disease.
UNHS Treatment Activities
- Reduce barriers to treatment, including by supporting integrated treatment and recovery, including integration with behavioral health, the criminal justice system, dentistry, and social services. As appropriate, provide support to pregnant women, children, and other at-risk populations using approaches that minimize stigma and other barriers to care.
- Strengthen collaboration with law enforcement and first responders to enhance their capability of responding and/or providing emergency treatment to those with SUD/OUD.
- Train providers, administrative staff, and other relevant stakeholders to optimize reimbursement for treatment encounters through proper coding and billing across insurance types to ensure financial sustainability of services.
- Enable individuals, families, and caregivers to find, access, and navigate evidence-based, affordable treatments for SUD/OUD, as well as home-and community-based services and social supports.
UNHS Recovery Activities
- Support the development of recovery communities, recovery coaches, and recovery community organizations to expand the availability of and access to recovery support services.
Accomplishments with RAIN
- Grant Writing Workshop - Site would like resources and training on grant writing
- Educational Brochures and Information - Brochures and posters that are culturally correct to aid those in the community that struggle with SUD
- Expanding Behavioral Health Resources - Expand Behavioral Health by improving recruitment and aiding current community members pass SW Exam
- Paramedic Training - EMS department looking to send 8 staff members to paramedic training (4 to be covered by RAIN)
- RN/MA Addiction Specific Training - Ongoing effort to recruit an APRN with an addiction speciality