Call for Submissions - AI for Primary Care: Electronic Scribes and More
Call for Submissions
Papers and posters should be submitted to the AIME 2024 Easychair Workshop website.
Important Dates
- May 10, 2024 | Submission Deadline
- May 28, 2024 | Notice of Acceptance
- June 13, 2024 | Manuscript Submission Deadline
- July 12, 2024 | Workshop
Conference Presentation: Up to eight accepted papers, short papers, and posters will be presented at the workshop, though only abstracts will appear on the conference portal maintained by the AIME 2024 Local Chairs' Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Potential Publication: Accepted papers, abstracts, and posters developed into papers that meet Annals of Family Medicine parameters may be considered for publication after the conference.

Arial or Times New Roman size 11 are recommended fonts for submissions.
Submission Categories
- Up to 10 pages, including references
- Appendix up to 10 pages
- Conference Presentation: Up to eight accepted papers, though only abstracts will appear on the conference portal maintained by the AIME 2024 Local Chairs' Department of Biomedical Informatics.
- Potential Publication: Accepted papers developed into papers that meet Annals of Family Medicine parameters may be considered for publication after the conference
- Annals of Family Medicine
- 4 to 5 pages, including references, describing either:
- a short research project,
- a demonstration of implemented systems, or
- late-breaking results (work-in-progress).
- Conference Presentation: Up to eight short papers will be presented at the workshop, though only abstracts will appear on the conference portal maintained by the AIME 2024 Local Chairs' Department of Biomedical Informatics.
- Potential Publication: Accepted abstracts developed into papers that meet Annals of Family Medicine parameters may be considered for publication after the conference
- 1 to 2 pages, consisting of a structured extended abstract, describing either:
- work-in-progress research with preliminary results;
- an AI-based study or protocol thereof (e.g., validation of an AI tool in a specific setting or an implementation of an AI tool to assist drug discovery), or
- system prototypes and early-stage methodological work (e.g., a new algorithm with pseudo-code but only prototypical implementation and no validation study).
The extended abstract comprises background, methods, results, discussion, and references.
- Conference Presentation: Up to eight posters will be presented at the workshop and will appear on the conference portal maintained by the AIME 2024 Local Chairs' Department of Biomedical Informatics.
- Potential Publication: Accepted posters developed into papers that meet Annals of Family Medicine parameters may be considered for publication after the conference
Poster Guidelines
- Posters should not exceed 48 inches wide x 48 inches tall.
- Presenters must provide their own poster printed on paper or cloth (if you need assistance with directions for printing a posters in Salt Lake City, please email
- Boards on easels with push pins or binder clips will be provided.