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Charlene Weir Paper Wins Award

Distinguished Paper Awards

From a slate of candidate papers recommended by the Annual Symposium Scientific Program Committee, the Awards Committee will recognize up to five notable and distinguished papers from the Annual Symposium. Distinguished papers are awarded at Annual Symposium but contain no ordinal designation. Papers of the Student Paper Competition finalists are not eligible. Prior to 2004, AMIA provided awards for Best Paper Theoretical and Best Paper Applied.


  • The Orderly and Effective Visit: Impact of the Electronic Health Record on Modes of Cognitive Control, Charlene Weir 1,2,4 ; Frank A Drews 2,5; Molly K Leecaster 2,3; Robyn J Barrus2; James L Hellewell2,4; Jonathan R Nebeker1,2,3
    1. Department of Veterans Affairs, Geriatrics Research and Clinical Setting; 2. Informatics Decision Enhancement and Surveillance Research Center, VA, SLC, 3. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah; 4. Department of Bio-Medical Informatics, University of Utah; 5.Department of Psychology, University of Utah