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BMI Fellow Wins Prestigious HIMSS Award


Roosan Islam

Roosan Islam, PharmD has been awarded the HIMSS (Health Information Management System Society) foundation scholarship for 2013. This award is given to one student in the U.S.A pursuing a PhD in operations research, industrial engineering, healthcare informatics, computer science, information systems, mathematics, hospital administration and related research area. The $5000 scholarship award will be presented to Roosan in an award banquet at the annual HIMSS conference in Orlando, FL on the 25th February, 2014. Founded in 1961, HIMSS encompasses 52,000 individuals, plus over 600 corporations and 250 not-for-profit organizations across the globe focused on better health through information technology.

Roosan is currently working in the field of cognitive informatics and population health decision support systems. He is thankful for great mentorship from his advisor Dr. Guilherme Del Fiol. Also, Drs. Charlene Weir, Matt Samore, John Hurdle, and Yarden Livnat are providing excellent research support towards his project. His research goal is to understand the complex decision making process for clinicians for better Health IT system design.