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Congratulations to Younghee Lee, PhD

Congratulations to Younghee Lee, PhD who was awarded funding from the Cancer Control and Population Sciences (CCPS) Program, Huntsman Cancer Institute to support her research project, “Develop a splicing decision model to identify functionally actionable cancer-specific somatic and rare germline variants.” She will develop novel integrative bioinformatics methods that assess the relationship between tumor AS events and patterns of genetic (e.g., somatic and rare germline mutations) markers to determine the clinical relevance of such patterns to cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and response to therapy.

Dr. Younghee Lee also translated Genome Data Analysis from Korean to English. The eBook is now available at Springer. This textbook describes recent advances in genomics and bioinformatics and provides numerous examples of genome data analysis that illustrate its relevance to real-world problems and will improve the reader’s bioinformatics skills.