The Department of Biomedical Informatics has a number of post-doctoral research fellowships available. Currently, we have open positions in the T32 and T15 training grants, as well as openings in...
Congratulations to Seonggyun Han, a Dept. of Biomedical Informatics PhD candidate who co-authored two papers recently. He is first author of “Alternative Splicing Regulation of Low-Frequency Genetic Variants in Exon...
The National Academy of Medicine awarded a “Catalyst Phase of the National Academy of Medicine Healthy Longevity Global Competition” to Drs. Ramkiran Gouripeddi and Julio Facelli for their project that...
In February 2021, Dr. Yves Lussier joined our department as our new chair. He is excited to lead our department and feels like it’s an opportunity of a lifetime to...