Prchal Research Lab
Josef T. Prchal, MD
The Prchal Lab focuses to elucidate the molecular basis of hematological diseases to discover their either somatic or germline underlying mutations and then determine the functions of the mutations. I am a founding member of the NCI-funded Myeloproliferative Disorders Consortium, and Consulting Editor of Journal of Clinical Investigations, the journal Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, and Faculty 1000. I have served on the Editorial Board of Blood for 14 years, was an editor of ASH publication Hematologist for 8 years and have authored multiple Up-to-Date chapters since its inception. I am an Editor of Williams Hematology Textbook and Manual, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10thEditions, and an elected member of American Association of Physicians. I was PI of T32 Hematology Training Grants at University of Alabama Birmingham, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and Co-PI at University of Utah.
Among the honors I have received are the 650th Year Anniversary Medal from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, for scientific accomplishments, the Michael E. DeBakey Award for Excellence in Research at Baylor College of Medicine, Honorary Doctorates at Olomouc University (the alma mater of Gregor Mendel) in the Czech Republic and San Andres University in La Paz Bolivia, and Henry M. Stratton Medal (Basic Science 2017) for Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to the Fundamental Understanding of Broad Range of Red Cell Disorders, from American Society of Hematology for 2017.
As of July 2020, I have authored 396 peer-reviewed papers with a publication impact factor H-index of 76, citations 24,376, i-10 323; most as senior or first author, and also authored 167 Invited Reviews, Editorials, and Book Chapters.