Welcome from Our Chair
Satoshi Minoshima, MD, PhD

We improve healthcare through radiology practice, research investigation, and education. Our core values are to help people through compassion, innovation, perseverance, and unequivocal excellence. Our core purpose is to make people's lives free from suffering and illness by improving human health for the individual patient and for the community we serve. We touch everyone's life and change it for the better through our clinical practice. We disseminate our knowledge and expertise in radiology around the world. We see our research outcomes translated in every aspect of radiology practice and imaging studies. We foster future leaders in the field. We collaborate with outstanding groups of medical specialists through interdisciplinary research and education.
We have a clinical workforce of 90 MDs, 50 of whom are full-time MDs and PhDs - nationally and internationally renowned radiologists. We also boast 61 highly innovative research faculty made up of 14 full-time PhD scientists and 47 adjunct faculty. These dedicated faculty advance the highest quality of clinical care, research, and education every day using state-of-the-art imaging resources available in our system. We train a large number of residents (7 per class in a 4-year residency program) and fellows (15-18 each year) who subsequently become a leader in the field. The Department of Radiology at the University of Utah is the most advanced, most serviceable, and most far-reaching world-class radiology department.
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