Dr. Richards is our newest Assistant Professor in the Department's Division of Epilepsy. She completed her MD at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine before completing her neurology residency and epilepsy fellowship at the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Get to know Dr. Richards on a more personal level as this issue's Meet the Faculty spotlight!
What are your hobbies? Tennis, Hiking, Traveling.
What is your favorite meal/dessert? I can eat pizza for any meal.
What are one or two things you want to learn to do? I would like to learn how to cook Indian food.
What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? Hearing from an old friend.
What song always gets you out on the dance floor? "Don't stop Believing" It has a shout out to Detroit where I am from.
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? I am terrified of fish.
Name one thing on your bucket list. To go visit all 7 continents (I have Africa and Antarctica left).
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut.
What is the best concert you’ve ever attended? I have only been to three concerts in my life. Probably Backstreet Boys when I was in 5th grade.
What is your favorite thing about your career? I especially like working with patients when they come for LTM monitoring as it mixes both testing and clinical care and then being able to provide further options than just medications for the epilepsy patients.