Chris Jones, MD, emeritus professor of neurology, has had a distinguished career as a sleep physician and scientist. He has made seminal discoveries about the genetics of sleep using human genetic tools to identify families with different patterns of sleep behavior. His research has led to new understanding of human sleep with a direct impact and benefit for patients and their families.
While conducting his research in the Department of Neurology, Dr. Chris Jones had an office next to the laboratory of Stefan Pulst, MD, chair of the Department of Neurology. It was through this coincidence that he became familiar with the research being conducted in the Pulst lab. Knowing the life-changing impact genetic discoveries can have on individuals and families throughout the nation and the world, Dr. Jones and his wife, Dr. Kirtly Jones have made a commitment to support the Pulst lab research efforts.
"The ability to go from one person with unique neurologic findings to an affected family, to causative genes, allows us to see a window into biochemistry. From there, we can understand cell biology and physiology—and then we have tools for a possible medical intervention. Dr. Pulst's lab and the Neurodegenerative Diseases Repository is a database that carefully protects family privacy and confidentiality. It seeks to serve researchers and families," says Dr. Chris Jones.
Over the years their gifts and ongoing support have provided the critical dollars needed to continue this very important work.
"The biorepository, headed by Karla P. Figueroa, MS, is a unique resource for faculty in the Department and has helped many faculty members to participate in large-scale genetic studies leading to the identification of novel disease genes. I greatly appreciate the gift by two of our emeritus professors," says Dr. Stefan Pulst.