In a bustling clinic, a unique bond emerged, bridging generations and transcending medical roles. Tribal, Rural, Underserved Medical Education (TRUE) medical student Brighton Alvey shares her story of weaving a...
I sat down in a fluorescent plastic chair in an ice cold, windowless room. I was a sophomore in college and it was my first lab experience at the University...
Census data from 2020 peg Utah as the fastest-growing state in the nation. Yet it ranks 48 th for primary care physicians per 100,000 residents. That’s bad. But out there...
I sat down in a fluorescent plastic chair in an ice cold, windowless room. I was a sophomore in college and it was my first lab experience at the University...
I sat down in a fluorescent plastic chair in an ice cold, windowless room. I was a sophomore in college and it was my first lab experience at the University...
As physician shortages continue to leave rural, remote, and indigenous populations without access to quality care, director of education research Candace Chow and physician Juliana Simonetti partner to level the...
It’s one thing to read about “rural” health care—it’s entirely another to experience it. Faculty and students from the Tribal, Rural, and Underserved Medical Education (TRUE) Graduate Certificate share experiences...