Gender & Community World Café
In 2018, the Department of Internal Medicine hosted an innovative format of the world café to explore and address issues impacting women faculty in the department. This resulted in the formation of the Gender Equity taskforce, that subsequently became our Gender & Community Committee.
The second Women’s World Café occurred in 2023. The input from participants helped the department prioritize areas to address – including a clear parental leave policy, issues with lactation spaces, and work to foster skills of allyship. The outcomes from this were presented at the AAMC meeting in 2024 and led to the formation of a series on allyship.
In 2024, the Women’s World Café was opened up to all faculty, staff, APCs and trainees in the department.
Future events will focus on creating a safe space for conversations regarding the impact of gender on the work we do in the DOIM.
The next Gender & Community World Café is on October 16.