Recently, the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System was awarded with nearly $13 million and a 5-year commitment to implement the VIP Initiative, to be headed by Adam Gordon, MD, MPH (Division of Epidemiology). Established by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, the overarching goal of this initiative is to improve the health of veterans who are particularly vulnerable due to medical disease (e.g., addiction/pain) and/or their social determinants. The initiative will serve veterans: Oftentimes, these patient populations are disengaged from primary care and don’t have ready access to addiction-related services. The VIP Initiative recognizes these challenges and has established three primary components to meet the needs of these patient populations. This is a dynamic and necessary initiative that will provide vulnerable veterans with the primary care services and support when and where they need it.
The Salt Lake City VA to Implement the Vulnerable Veteran – Innovative PACT (VIP Initiative)