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PARCKA/GIN Recent Publications

GIN Principal Investigator and PARCKA Director Adam J. Gordon, MD MPH and GIN/PARCKA Affiliate Audrey Jones, PhD have together recently had several papers accepted for publication:


Adam J. Gordon

Audrey L. Jones

Jones AL, Gordon AJ, Gabrielian S, Montgomery AE, Blosnich J, Varley AL, DeRussy AJ, Austin EL, Hoge A, Kim Y, Gelberg L, Kertesz SG. Perceptions of care coordination among homeless-experienced veterans receiving medical care in VHA and community care settings: results from a national survey. Medical Care Journal.

Kertesz SG, DeRussy AJ, Kim Y, Pollio DE, Austin EL, Gordon AJ, Gelberg L, Gabrielian S, Riggs K, Blosnich J, Montgomery AE, Gundlapalli AV, Holmes SK, Varley AL, Hoge AE, Jones AL. Comparison of patient experience between primary care settings tailored for homeless clientele and mainstream care settings: a large multisite survey. Medical Care Journal.

Gabrielian S, Jones AL, Hoge A, Varley AL, DeRussy AJ, Kim Y, Montgomery AE, Austin EL, Holmes SK, Pollio DE, Riggs KR, Gelberg L, Gordon AJ, Kertesz SG. Improving primary care experiences for homeless Veterans with serious mental illness. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health.