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Congratulations to Dr. Sonja Raaum on her Appointment

Congratulations to Dr. Sonja Raaum on her Appointment

Sonja Raaum
Dr. Sonja Raaum

Congratulations to Dr. Sonja Raaum, MD, FACP, on accepting the position of Director of Gender Equity for the Department of Internal Medicine! 
As Director of Gender Equity, Dr. Raaum will work with Dr. April Mohanty, Vice Chair of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), to achieve and sustain gender equity in the Department. This endeavor will require cultivating a safe and supportive environment that is free from harassment for faculty, staff, and trainees, regardless of their gender or sexual identity/expression. As a starting point, Dr. Raaum will build on the work of the Gender Equity Workgroup's Vision Statement on Gender Equity.  In addition to supporting the work proposed by the Gender Equity Workgroup, she will oversee and guide the Task Force for the Advancement of Women in the DOIM and the DOIM Task Force on Reproductive Health. Recognizing how gender can intersect with other identities, she will also work closely with EDI to support and expand inclusive initiatives that promote belonging. 
Dr. Raaum is an Associate Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and works as a hospitalist at the University of Utah Hospital. As a leader in medical education, she is the course director of Advanced Internal Medicine, serves on the curriculum committee for the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine and is an associate program director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program. As an educator she seeks to train competent and compassionate physicians; she delivers workshops and develops educational materials in these areas based on additional training she received from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University.
Welcome to this position, Dr. Raaum, and congratulations!