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Dr. Deborah Stephens Appointed as Director of the Lymphoid Malignancies Program

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Deborah Stephens has been appointed by Dr. Michael Deininger to be our new Director of the University of Utah/Huntsman Cancer Institute Lymphoid Malignancies program.
Dr. Stephens joined our faculty in September 2014 after completing her Hematology/Oncology fellowship at the Ohio State University. Her work here in building a comprehensive CLL program at HCI has been tireless, resulting in a very successful yearly CLL conference to provide information to CLL patients and their caregivers.  She has also created a wide ranging CLL clinical trials portfolio and translational research effort as well. Our CLL clinical program is likely one of the largest of any single disease program in Hematology (if not the largest). Her already impressive publication record and work with national organizations has led to national recognition, which continues to grow. Clearly, Dr. Stephens is well situated to direct and lead our Lymphoid Malignancies research and clinical program in this new decade!
Please join Dr. Deininger and me in congratulating Dr. Stephens on her new leadership role, surely just one of many more to come.
Martha Glenn, MD
Professor, Division of Hematology and Hematologic Malignancies Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah