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Match Day 2021

Match Day 2021

Dear Colleagues, 

It is my pleasure to introduce the intern class for the Department of Internal Medicine who will join the University of Utah this June. 

This year’s recruitment season presented new challenges as we were committed to marketing our program and interviewing the applicants with a virtual process. There were significant unknowns as to how this format would affect our process and the end results. I had anxieties that without an in-person interview season, the applicant pool would not be able to appreciate the quality of our program, department and institution and the many benefits of living in Salt Lake City.

Despite these concerns, our education administrative team rose to the challenge and orchestrated an extremely effective virtual interview process. They produced a video that professionally highlighted the academic strengths of the program, the broad clinical experience at the University of Utah, and the truly unique advantages of living in such an environmentally diverse and beautiful state. The team organized the remarkable feat of interviewing 509 applicants. The interview days were technologically seamless and informative for both our interview team and the applicants.

I am extremely proud to report that at the end of this original experience we have successfully recruited one of the strongest intern classes in my tenure as program director. These fine individuals come from all across the country and represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and perspectives.

The COVID pandemic affected every aspect of our professional and personal lives, but I am proud to report that our Department has another reason for real optimism for our future as we look forward to welcoming these outstanding young people who will shape the attitude and performance the University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine for the upcoming years.

My sincere thanks to everyone who assisted in this effort.


Caroline K. Milne, MD
Vice Chair, Education
Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
University of Utah School of Medicine