WebMD Spotlights Internal Medicine Physician
WebMD Spotlight: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Timothy Farrell
WebMD recently sat down with Dr. Timothy Farrell, a physician from the Division of Geriatrics, to learn more about his use of the 4Ms.
The 4Ms represent an age-friendly approach to healthcare, emphasizing the following key aspects:
- What Matters - Involves discussions of the patient's goals and priorities
- Medication - Encompasses a thorough review of medications that are being taken
- Mentation - Focuses on conversations about memory and mood
- Mobility - Encourages exploration of ways to maintain and active lifestyle
Dr. Farrell offers a unique perspective on the 4Ms, describing them as a bundle:
"In my view, the 4Ms are a bundle, and once you start asking about one of the Ms, you inevitably start shifting over to another, and it's sort of this beautiful tapestry where you really have to consider them all and ask about them all in order to understand the big picture for the patient."
To learn more, watch the exclusive interview here.

Timothy Farrell, MD, AGSF is Professor of Medicine, Interim Clinical Co-Chief, and Associate Chief for Age-Friendly Care at the Division of Geriatrics, Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah. He also serves as Physician Investigator at the VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center. He received his A.B. from Dartmouth College and his M.D. from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, followed by family medicine residency and geriatric medicine training at Brown University.
He is actively involved in local and national efforts to oppose ageism. He is co-PI on a John A. Hartford Foundation grant, "Engaging Caregivers through Shared Access to the Electronic Health Record." He also is a member of the John A. Hartford Foundation-funded Patient Priorities Care team. In 2021, Dr. Farrell led University of Utah Health's successful application to the Institute for Health Improvement for Age-Friendly Committed to Care Excellence Status, and he continues to advance age-friendly initiatives locally, regionally, and nationally.