Division Chief of Nephrology, Dr. Aylin Rodan, Takes on New Research Roles
Dr. Aylin Rodan Begins New Research Endeavors

July 1st marks a significant milestone in the career of Aylin Rodan, MD, PhD, FASN, as she steps into the role of Division Chief for the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension. Dr. Rodan's remarkable contributions to the field of nephrology have earned her widespread recognition, and her new leadership role is a testament to her dedication and expertise.
In addition to her new role as Division Chief, Dr. Rodan has been appointed to two prominent research-related positions:
- NIDDK Advisory Council: Dr. Rodan has served as a Council Subject Matter Expert (ad hoc) since 2022, and has now been appointed as a standing member of Council. The Council plays a crucial role in advising the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) on scientific matters, helping to shape the future of research and funding priorities in these critical areas of health.
- Health Sciences Research Council (HSRC): Dr. Rodan was invited to serve on the HSRC. This University of Utah council is instrumental in guiding research initiatives and policies within the health sciences and fostering collaboration and innovation.
Dr. Rodan expressed her enthusiasm about these appointments, noting, "These two roles should be interrelated, as I envision being able to bring insights from NIH service back home, and vice versa." Her vision emphasizes the importance of cross-pollination between national research efforts and local implementation. As Division Chief, Dr. Rodan is poised to lead the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension with a forward-thinking approach, leveraging her research experience and collaborative spirit. Her leadership is expected to drive innovative research, enhance patient care, and foster a culture of excellence within the division.