UU "Cash for Clunkers" Freezer Trade in Program
The SVPHS Research Unit, in coordination with the Office of the Vice President for Research, is offering a freezer trade-in program that is intended to increase the efficiency and reliability of -80 freezers on campus. Program pricing has been negotiated with ThermoFisher to provide high-efficiency freezers at the lowest possible cost to our programs. A $2,000 trade-in rebate will be offered by the VPR to all of campus, with an additional $2,000 rebate match being offered by the SVPHS Research Unit for all health sciences campus programs. To be eligible to receive the rebate, programs must trade in an older, energy-inefficient freezer at the time of purchase. Pricing is confirmed through end of calendar year 2018. Rebates are available while funding lasts. Please confirm availability with Abby Rooney (abby.rooney@hsc.utah.edu) prior to submitting purchase.
Also see https://uofuhealth.utah.edu/research/svp-office/_docs/freezer-cash-for-clunkers_fy19.pdf