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October 2019 Release Notes

October 2019 Release Notes: Bugs, New Features/Projects, Custom Programs & Items Created.

Bugs & Fixes


  • Sort Program: change 600 to 1500 # in the sort program Fixed program sortpg to 1700 max instead of 1500 max which allows custom 1500 numbers for sorting when changing the item number. Sort subset by custom data item:  Error “item number out of range.” Sort subset program set to 1700 to not get message for custom items.
  • Frequency report histology default change from 3 digit to 5 digit default
  • Central "Hospit" in DC State File Number field. The Central Registry has been cleared up, as has the only hospital this file came from. We're now waiting to see if it occurs again.
  • CO Death Match Program: Vital Status not updated, Matches show up as possible matches. Jack Finch has tested program with the fix, it now works.
  • IHS Edits: Added to/from NAACCR submission program. Error discovered when doing the IHS submission with the NAACCR edits. Kim corrected this by defaulting to IHS edits when IHS Submission is chosen, and choosing standard NAACCR edits as default if NAACCR option is manually selected.
  • C# XML Interface error for inter-record edits: Inter-Record are working, the file appears to be associated with XML files. Null: We don't use XML for Inter-Record edits.
  • Reviewed date fields being erased during un-merging of case: Investigated thoroughly by Kim, found to no longer be an issue in v18.
  • Hospital loading a created custom ASCII Output Format for export: Need to create file of same criteria manually in v18 system and then save it in the new system to load for the future.  Format of these files all changed to new number, so couldn't just copy v16 files to v18.  They have to be recreated and saved.
  • Date of dx auto-consolidation: updated to later date when processing incoming non-analytic abstracts with a higher class-of-case. Mark corrected logic in the program.
  • Hosp Autopsy field filling with a 0: Not required field, took out auto-fill.
  • Windows 10: Not able to go into update program. Soft Mask updated. Program is now working correctly in Windows 10 without need for additional files.
  • Frequency On A Column: converted for v18 system.
  • Item 2670 “out of scope”: Corrected: newitemnum.h had 13413 in “Other text number” and it should have been 1413.
  • Item 100A: Pulled postal code current instead of postal code @ dx. Issue localized in newitemnum.h include file. Assigned postion number error. Fixed the include file.
  • Reorder 'Text Pointer' & 'Patient Pointer': Changed screen vlr.90 to have patient pointer first in list of pointers and put the text pointer to the end of pointer list.
  • 3-Way Cross-Tab Report: Not working for items that had high number frequency, report didn't close running tmp files and opening too many files for OS to handle. Killed the program, added fclose line for both files. Runs appropriately.
  • 3-Way Cross-Tab Report: Dying when doing report 250 pages or more. Cross-tab program goes into loop opening files for writing, the files were never closed and ran into error of too many files opened. Discovered in-house and corrected.
  • Northcon18.exe and nconv18.dll: Added to the revision to convert v16 files to v18 files. Added northcon18 to revision download.
  • Custom items not going to right locations: Updated Naaccr Export to take values from correct position in custom file. Updated NAACCR import to remove unnecessary conditionals.
  • SEER Site Recode: Not working consistently based on the numbers seen prior to conversion. 2015, 2016, 2017 cases run as a subset item pulls off ~1600, running this on 2018 pulls off ~125. When running a frequency rpt on the field, it does pull off ~2000, so something is operating differently. Issue found, Seer site recode was getting stored values instead of on-the-fly value from the seersite.h file. Corrected to use the file and create new value for the pull off.
  • Summary Report criteria breakdown: Table 2A, columns for each year. TOTAL is by Date of First Contact. Diagnosis Year row is complete for each year, minus cases not included by critera.
  • Custom Items are not in the "Index": When Index is mentioned it means it is not in the list of custom variables. In subset>new, the custom variables were not showing up. Pushed button “rebuild ccr,” closed the window and went back in. The custom variables are now defined.
  • Update Vital Status from new case import on existing cases, regardless of case match (50.4 vs. 509, accession #, etc.) if patient matches. This was mentioned during the meeting as a need from multiple partners. AZ Central called, discussed example of 504 and 509 only looks at the first two digits of site for a match in breast cases only. Updating of vital status is done if matches and alive in database and dead for incoming record. The death fields get updated in the followup program the way they want already. Null.
  • Export custom asci file format, item labels all appear to be single characters: The item labels in the ascii are now all the standard short label that were created. For exports with the BAR delimited format, files were coded with 804 in ASF file to define BAR. I had to change from 804 to 1703 for BAR. Changed ASF files BAR to 1703, it was corrected.
  • 1-page abstract printing for a large subset of cases. File open error on btree.pyn and mastpat in pristine system.  Printing pristine abstracts of these loaded cases: Reviewed program r_prtabs and saw mopen in loop, opening too many files in program. Moved the mopen to beginning and it was corrected.
  • Multiple programs not compiling:.vcxproj files have become 0 size. Manually corrected. vsdiff and vcrins fixed workspaces, workable again, fixed the vcxproj files in both workspaces and recompiled; Corrected.
  • Error “Master File Error merging subset” when running merge subset of cases from DCO N0Match subsystem into main system. Clicking “ok,” it moves to the next record, same message: R_writex program was getting PRISTINE sent to it, took out the call to load these files to fix it.
  • Hospital walk through for backup to state to make sure files go to transfer folder, appropriate function.
  • Move the CTR Number field to avoid over-write of the field: If first line is CTR number, cursor starts in the next line for entering the case, going to next page, going to previous page. CTR number field can be selected manually. In testing, found issue for some compiles, took fix out of compiles until the issue was found & corrected. It’s working correctly now.
  • Facility FIN # change, 2 facility numbers in the database for the same facility: Walked through changing the hospital file & updating the data in the database if so desired.
  • CoC accredited flag: Hospitals just need to set the flag in their parameters & it will be sent to the central registry, regardless of class of case.
  • NAACCR Survival fields not loading or saving correctly: Identified, corrected, incorporated into next software update file.
  • "Convert Postal Code to County" Program has been fixed.


  • Out of State Option for Auto Follow-up: Add Special option to handle out of state cases that use the same Hospital number for several facilities. Put the in for Indiana only. Following testing, option will be added for everyone.

New Features/Projects


  • Put in Menu program submission for NAACCR/NCDB for 2019. Menu Option to create a NAACCR file of the cases for the submission to NCDB: done. Put NAACCR Prep in NPCR/NAACCR call for data: done. Program takes awhile to shut down after you close it. Testing successful.
  • Website development: Added Contact Form, FAQ, Compliant for Accreditation page, Release Notes Update folder in News.


  • Website development: Partner Spotlight
  • DQE submission program

Custom Programs & Items Created


  • Auto consolidation program: change the “select all” to include new options, added 2 new options for change DLC, VS place of death, place of death state/country and FU contact Address fields to be replaced, if checked.  These options don't fall under regular groups. Added additional group items to check if desired.  Defaulted the DLC, VS etc check box for IL to be selected.
  • d_wymgeo: Wyoming Geocoding
  • d_nendiu: NDI Linkage. Added code to update Follow-up Source, Next Follow-up Source, Follow-up Source Central, Letter Frequency Added more information on pop-up at the end of the run.


  • d_ildth7: Death match for IL
  • d_ilmgeob: Geocoding for IL
  • d_demtc2.exe: Death match for DE
  • d_dessdi.exe: Social Security Death Index for DE
  • d_dendiu.exe: National Death Index for DE