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May 2020 Release Notes

May 2020 Release Notes: Bugs, New Features/Projects, Custom Programs & Items Created. Date shown is the date completed, or the date last edited.

Bugs & Fixes


  • 5/20/2020 Can't mass change custom fields in mass change for multiple mass change files at the same time. Get message out of range error. Max number was 1500. It needs to be 1700 for v18 system because custom vars start with 1501. Changed it to 1700 and it will work now.
  • 5/20/2020 Moving cases from subsystem to contain both consolidated and pristine files: Tested & released to IN, will release to all users once thoroughly tested.
  • 5/18/2020 Convert batch mode Make Pristine, Replaces Pristine with Consolidate Record in a subset of cases. Convert from V16 system. Tested and done.
  • 5/18/2020 Update other primaries index. When indexed patient information is updated, currently only the index for the current case is updated. Fix so all primaries are updated in the index. Tested & released.
  • 5/15/2020 Custom date in Master File in old cases: Program created to blank out data in file that’s erroneous.
  • 5/1/2020 Assisted CO hospital in un-deleting subset of cases.
  • 5/1/2020 Reported that the SSN was not getting updated from all 9's to a valid SSN when running the automatic update program and update unknown values. Looked at update unknown values program. Checked the SSN option and noticed some code was wrong for doing this.  It had v16 code of where SSN was which was vv8+196.  v18 the SSN is in the patient record in pv8+ 267.  I made the fix and let them know.


  • 5/26/2020 Some cases that have more than 5 course treatments didn't load right. IF more than 5 the last treatment goes onto next case. Wrote program to identify any cases with more than 4 subsequent in the course treatment. She will process in the good cases and have the bad ones resubmitted.
  • 5/26/2020 Reported that some cases have the wrong text loaded into them. It is like the same text went into two cases. The correct one and the one after it. Created program to identify the cases that this occurs on. The text is wrong in the incoming files so the hospitals need to do an update and then resubmit. They want to identify the problems and process in good cases and have the bad ones resubmitted. wrote program to identify these cases so she could process in the good ones. r_cktext
  • 5/22/2020 Subsystem get special files used by the update program from the main system: Files use by the update program can change over time. These files are updated in software updates.  But, these files are not updated in subsystem.  By always looking in the main system, we can avoid having to copy these files into the subsystem.

New Features/Projects


  • 5/18/2020 Unlink "U" in central next to acc#: Put in pop-up box reading: "You’re about to remove all information for this facility. Are you sure you want to do this?" If they click NO the button click is ignored, and accession number remains unchanged.
  • 5/18/2020 MT central wants to add a new code to tobacco history. It is a retired field but it makes sense what they wants. So we will add it. Added lookup to tobacco fields and tobacoo history. These fields to be able to have recode values in the update program.
  • 5/15/2020 Add Export XML option in the Main Menu: Option exists in export screen, but added a menu button to allow for easier/clearer access.
  • 5/15/2020 Collapsed Export screen for clarity. Added “Show Advanced Options” for changing of export defaults, but these are rarely utilized.
  • 5/15/2020 Check for Log In/Out Times: Program created to run a report for users logged in an out of the system in specified timeframe. Main Menu File>Logged In Report.
  • 5/7/2020 Uppercase: If parameter is set to default to uppercase: affects all text fields on record, NAACCR import program so all texts fields come in upper case, Street Address and City of Diagnosis, Occupation and Industry Text, Describe Place of Diagnosis, Site Title, Histology Title, All Patient Name Fields, Follow-up Contact Name, City, and Street Address, Street Address, City Current, Describe Place of Death, Relationship First Contact, Other Primary Tumors, All NAACCR Text fields.
  • 5/4/2020 "Remove old TNM fields" button with date of diagnosis change: Done. Button says [Clear Old TNM]. 
  • 5/1/2020 Completeness Reports search on NPI: Option of running on NPI Reporting facility # rather than FIN. The report only shows local hospital numbers and the hospital Name. Was able to add the option to show the FIN number and also the choice to change it to the NPI number. This is done and in the updates.


  • 6/2/2020 Duplicate Report Patients Subset: Create a subset of people that appear on the duplicate checks report for review in ONE subset rather than in 13 reports.
  • 5/1/2020 Column-sort on help/lookup screen: Add column-sort functionality on help/lookup screen options. Narrow down options in the TNM stage lookup: search box? Filters? Drop-downs? Read TNM fields above rather than just T? This is only for breast, other sites are not a problem. Add filter for N and M so only entries with valid T N and M appear in the help for AJCC Stage.
  • 4/20/2020 NAACCR file name in Auto Add Error Report: Auto Add Error Report: Add the NAACCR File name field so the case can be traced back to which file it came form. Include identifying #, i.e. SSN, Seq #. Also for Auto Follow-up?

Custom Programs & Items Created


  • 5/15/2020 NH new cases loading into the main system getting a CRC check on patient record. Wrote program to fix patient record. Wait for response from NH. Put new number in parenthesis in the Error Message to help track down the problem.
  • 4/15/2020 The NH custom program that moves a subset from A to B with audit trails is not moving the Pristine (D_CRMCP2.exe). The old program passed the argument CON2PRIS to writex. This converted the consolidated record into the pristine.