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PARCKA Publication

PARCKA Publication: Aims, Development, and Early Results of an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Initiative to Address Patient Vulnerabilities

 PARCKA, Greater Intermountain Node, Division of Epidemiology; October 5, 2020


PARCKA Team members, including Nodira Codell, MPA; Matthew Dungan, MPH; and Adam Gordon, MD (see left) co-authored "Aims, Development, and Early Results of an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Initiative to Address Patient Vulnerabilities", which was recently published to the The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.

The article examines the healthcare model, Vulnerable Veteran Innovative Patient-Aligned Care Team (PACT) Initiative (VIP), an interdisciplinary, team-based primary care delivery model designed to address the needs of vulnerable patients in the Veterans Health Administration. VIP establishes a single, integrated primary care environment for the management of substance use disorders, mental illness, social determinants of health, and complexities in care. 

Other authors on this article include A. Taylor Kelley, MD; Audrey L. Jones, PhD; Natalie Valentino, PharmD, BCPP; Ana I. Holtey, DO; Tania J. Knight, BSN RN; Amy Butz, PharmD; Christina Gallop, MD; Sean Erickson, APRN; Jeremy Patton, MSW; Laura Jane Hyte-Richins, BSN RN; and Benjamin Z. Rollins, NP.

This article will be available to read in an upcoming issue of The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse and online. 

Picture(s) from top to bottom: Nodira Codell, MPA; Matthew Dungan, MPH; and Adam Gordon, MD.