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Granger and Kithas to Receive School of Medicine Awards

Granger and Kithas to Receive School of Medicine Awards 

donald-granger.jpgDonald L. Granger, MD (Infectious Diseases) will be recognized at the Dean's Dinner later this month with The Leonard W. Jarcho, MD, Distinguished Teaching Award.

The award was established in memory of Dr. Leonard Jarcho, a founding father of the post-war School of Medicine at the University of Utah. The School of Medicine gave Dr. Jarcho awards for his outstanding teaching, and he regarded teaching as the faculty's most important responsibility. Dr. Jarcho's teaching drew from his broad background in the humanities as well as the sciences, emphasizing the humanistic approach to patient care. Dr. Granger received this award in recognition of his service to the School of Medicine in the tradition established by Dr. Jarcho


philip-kithas.jpgPhilip A. Kithas, MD (Geriatrics) will be recognized at the same dinner with The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award

This honor is student nominated and selected, and presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. The purpose of The Arnold P. Gold Foundation is to recognize the value of humanism in the delivery of care to patients and their families. The award honors one faculty member and one graduating student annually for exemplifying outstanding humanism in medicine along with scientific excellence. The nominating student noted: "Dr. Kithas is consistently patient, thoughtful, and kind. He exemplifies compassion while also being a remarkably diligent clinician."