Nephrology Achievements Spotlight: Endowed Chair Appointments

The Division of Nephrology and Hypertension is celebrating significant milestones. In June, three outstanding researchers were honored with appointments as Dialysis Research Foundation Endowed Chairs. These appointments underscore the excellence in research achieved by the recipients and highlight the critical role of innovative nephrology research in improving patient outcomes.
The awardees, Aylin Rodan, MD, PhD, Srinivasan Beddhu, MD, and Yan-Ting Shiu, PhD, were selected for their exceptional contributions to nephrology research. Nominated by their Division Chief and Senior Vice President, Michael Good and appointed by University President Dr. Taylor Randall, they have demonstrated sustained excellence in advancing the understanding of kidney disease, hypertension, and dialysis therapies.
As part of her new role as Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Dr. Aylin Rodan was appointed to the Dialysis Research Foundation Presidential Endowed Chair in Nephrology and Hypertension. She succeeds Dr. Alfred Cheung as the chairholder and Division Chief. Dr. Rodan’s research focuses on the role of the kidney in maintaining the balance of ions and water in the body, which is essential for cellular physiology, maintenance of normal electrolyte concentrations, blood pressure regulation, and preventing excess fluid accumulation.
Dr. Srinivasan Beddhu was reappointed to the Dialysis Research Foundation Presidential Endowed Chair for Nephrology and Hypertension Research in the Department of Internal Medicine. He is beginning his second five-year appointment to this chair. Dr. Beddhu’s research focuses on cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and lifestyle factors in CKD. He serves as Co-Director of the Cardio-Renal & Metabolism Center. He is committed to mentoring the next generation of physician-scientists and scientists.
For her excellence in research, Dr. Yan-Ting Shiu was appointed to the Dialysis Research Foundation Endowed Chair for Nephrology and Hypertension Research. Dr. Shiu’s research integrates medicine, engineering, and bioscience to investigate the pathophysiology of hemodialysis vascular access dysfunction and develop new treatments to enhance patient outcomes and access longevity. Her research continues to contribute to innovations that improve the quality of life for patients undergoing dialysis treatment.
Dr. Tianxin Yang holds the fourth Dialysis Research Foundation Endowed Chair for Nephrology and Hypertension Research. Dr. Yang’s research contributes to understanding the molecular mechanisms of renal handling of fluid and electrolytes, hypertension, and kidney disease, and also to developing novel antihypertensive and renoprotective therapies.
This celebration of excellence in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension highlights the importance of ongoing research and innovation in addressing kidney-related diseases affecting millions worldwide—the work of Drs. Rodan, Beddhu, Shiu, and Yang will continue to drive the University’s reputation as a leader in nephrology research and patient care.
With these appointments, the University strengthens its commitment to advancing Nephrology, improving patient outcomes, and fostering a new generation of leaders in kidney research.